
@a sexy hot dog: I use the internet on 3G all the time. I rarely use wifi on my phone except at home and work.

"Can I talk and surf the web at the same time?

Nice pic.

I ain't screaming it, but rather posting it quietly on the the internet: AT&T works fine for me. :-O I watch 3G movies and shows from Hulu/Netflix at the gym and on the bus all the time here in Seattle.

worst. audio. ever.

Kid's got some mad skratchin' skillz.

I used to make my friend bring his over if he wanted to come to my house. We'd play MineStorm like Lionel Ritchie. all. night. long.

@Jay 'Waldo' Doscher: I agree. My dad just got a P7000, and I thought it was a G11/12 when he first showed it to me. I have a G10 and love it. I would've liked to see the G12 head-to-head with the Nikon here.

Here, LMGTFY, Giz.

My vote goes for HDMI and/or USB. But it'll probably be a new Apple video standard to sell more overpriced adapters.

@west-coaster: A hint of douchebaggery in Irvine? Getouttahere.

Mach 5. Hands-down, end-of-story. Oh, and robots disguised as cars don't count, folks.

Where's your Brougham, bro?

2:07 - seriously???

@brackenthebox: I just gave the full text a skim. Looks like a pretty straightforward story of culturing an environmental sample and then characterizing the results. One question that seems to remain unanswered - and that gives critics of this (rather sensational) post fodder - is that it's still unclear if the bug

"I'm on a muthafuckin' BOAT!!!"

@Ding-Dang: Only if they actually use controls this time.

Mono Lake will you ever stop giving? You're the best!

@SteveJobsSexLife: Switching to what? I live in a major metro and the only other choice is DSL with about 1/10 of the speed. I've looked into any and all options and Comcrap is the only option with acceptable download speeds.

You mean I don't have to pay Best Buy $200 to do it for me?? What a surprise. :-|