
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: The gold Incase on my wife's 3GS held up fine with no scratches. From what I've seen Incases are much better materials than the Griffin crud I currently have on my 4.


Just set up Plex this weekend. So far so good.

Really, Giz?? I mean, reeaalllly???

At 3:26

Awesomely tacky.

I was happy to find that Sony is still making the over-the-head sports headphones last night on my way to the gym. Far superior to my $100 in-ear buds for the perspiring audiophile, and only $28 at Best Buy. Only downside was that they don't come in yellow anymore...

ID numbers in pic don't match article.

If shamelessly stolen is your theme, I think this week's winner is clear.

So how many of these posters do I need to make a wallpaper?

@War2d2: Secure In His Own Manhood: I got everyone you got, plus the Monkee's car (row 6, middle). I don't want to look at the answers yet- I feel like I know what that scaley green one and the blue one with flames are.

I call BS on the marketers. There is an extra lever added to a standard nail clipper, making it a bit more ergonomic (maybe) but leaving the clipper-nail interaction unchanged.

@radarskiy: Third sentence: "But all of [the water bottles the author tried], with time, ended up getting a little funky at the bottom." Ergo, the author can't clean a bottle properly.

@RicketyCricket: They need to set up a session together in Oompa-Loompa get-ups.

I am totally going to get an ATV if this gets polished up.

hmmm... I think the real question is why don't you know how to clean a bottle? Hot water and soap, anyone? A bottle brush for $1.29, for the unfortunate remnant of OJ that was left in the sun?

More like "MLB Players Fall for Tons of Loot Endorsing Necklaces That Con Youth Baseball League Players."

Now if I could only teach it to block giz/gawk/jalop/etc's solicitations to join them on FB....