
@anastos: That's what I thought. Is #4 a '71?

@Odin: I guess I never actually measured one, but I was referring to the keyboard, not the screen. Now that you've pressed the issue, a little geometry tells me a 10" diagonal screen could mean <8" keyboard. Which makes sense, since when I see people in the wild typing on them, they look like stenographers. Maybe

Maaaan... after you guys weaseled out of reviewing the N8, I can't help thinking you're shilling this piece. As has been pointed out, the specifics you mention in the text don't support the huge-tastic praise you heap on this widget. Especially since many are presented as quasi-gripes or limitations of the phone.

It exists for me to buy! That thing is so freaky-deaky fly. Looks like everything the OG Air wasn't - and it's almost affordable... I would totally buy one instead of a MacBook. Netbook schmetbook, why would anyone tinker on a 6" keyboard and screen when this exists now?


I call bullshit, Giz. That's the weakest excuse for bias I've ever seen. The N8 looks like a bad-ass, and now I'll never ever know what's inside it.

I guess the handicapped space was taken when he parked.

Bi-turbo TDI T5 Transporter, bitte.

This reminds me of a lab crush I had in college. Dammmmmnn- making buffers was never so interesting.

@gorehound: Indeed. There have been huge strides in HCV basic research over the last 5-10 years. I worked at Chiron in the mid-90's, and they couldn't even grow it in culture at the time. Hopefully these advances are trickling through to the clinic soon. Keep your eye on and maybe you already

Nice vid and article, but by the end the voice had morphed into Barry McGuire.

Is it a Titleist?

@gorehound: Yea, that sucks. Hang in there!

I'm glad I didn't change my Giz bookmark to /tag/not:twitter yet. Wouldn't of wanted to miss this marketing gem from such a dumb website.

@krome: Fiat Slugs!

I'm going to go cancel my cable subscription and buy an AppleTV just to show those bastards how retawded they are!

duh. AND they get paid for it.

Nice pic - dude was awesome in The Lives of Others: