
You know what women who are “involuntarily celibate” do? They buy a fucking vibrator and get a few cats. Done. No one dies.

I don’t eat Heinz; not since they closed their Canadian plants and stopped buying Canadian tomatoes. I buy Frenches ketchup now (like one bottle/year) and that’s just the way this Canadian roles.

I guess they never accounted for sexism and society’s ability to forgive white men of anything?

My friends (and the world, really) kept telling me that Breaking Bad was awesome and Walter was great but I all I wanted to know after 4 episodes was “when does the cancer kill him?”

Right? If Canada was ready to apologize for racsim, indigenous women should really be at the front of the line.

Right? I find myself thinking “fuck off Caitlyn” quite a bit.

I’m going to let you in on a secret: Canadians aren’t that much different from Americans on the racism front. Indigenous people, particularly women and girls, can tell you all about it.

God took his rib so his complaint is with God. Who also doesn’t exist so. Yeah.

And, no Heaven.

Policy and Change?

It’s only “in all fairness” if you ignore the facts. Real facts, that is, not alternative ones.

I don’t know. Fucking anything? You know, for a change.

As a Canadian who, full disclosure, doesn’t give a flying fuck through a rolling doughnut about (1) ice dancing or (2) the Olympics in general, I’m a little proud of these two kids for coming up with the original R version. Good on you. You’ve just given a bunch of Canadian white ladies a very good idea for their

Goldberg’s comments drove me crazy because it was “rape rape” - whatever the fuck that is. I was quoting her facetiously. I should have made that more clear.

Also, the drugged 13 yr old girl still said no to Polanski, more than once. It wasn’t statutory rape. It was, in the immortal words of Whoopie Goldberg, “rape rape.”

The headline is facetious, right? Who the fuck heard that story and didn’t ask “What happened to the birth mother? Is she safe? In treatment? What the fuck?”

As long as she stays the fuck away from Diego Luna, that’s fine. She can have Cooper.

It’s still devastating for met too. I think Diego is a great actor and director but this Woody Allen thing is super disappointing.

You would almost think that’s it except that anti-abortion activists are as statistically likely to get an abortion as the general population. When it’s their insupportable pregnancy (or their child’s) they understand the need and demand the treatment. Their abortion is righteous; other women’s abortions are

The President of the United States refers to his former opponent as “Crooked Hillary” even though there is no evidence she’s done anything wrong.