
I had no idea that I was mad at most of these things to begin with. Except Wes Anderson, of course. Fuck that guy.

I have personally found two whole bodies on two separate occasions. I was in Search and Rescue at the time and was technically looking for them but I think it still stands.

You know, when you look at any problem long enough, you can always find a woman to blame.

“At this rate I’m sure the presidential candidate they’ll put up in a few cycles will be an overweight, black, crippled dyke with dyslexia”

What’s wrong with Sarah Huckabee Sanders is everything she says and everything she does. If the best you can do is make fun of how she looks, either you aren’t paying attention or you’re lazy and/or stupid.

It would have been a political decision to not discuss the allegations. It would have left Oliver complicit in the continuing normalization of harassment.

Everybody is suddenly a defense attorney! “Innocent until proven guilty!”

Meh. Low-hanging fruit. Trudeau may look great compared to Trump but, let’s face it, who doesn’t? Duterte in the Philippines? Maybe.

In a “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” way, I love Fairytale of New York and yet I find myself bothered by the casual homophobia.

I worked for a music store, back when people bought their music at a store, and I had many Christmases of enforced listening to these songs. And yet. I love them. I can only assume it’s some sort of Stockholm Syndrome.

Every thing is politically motivated. If you don’t think maintaining patriarchy is politically motivated then you aren’t paying attention.

Dishonorably discharged following convictions for domestic violence. What a surprise/not a surprise.

The objectification I was referencing was the entire costume (no maximum skin exposure while maintaining a PG rating or gratuitous walk around in underwear) not heels specifically.

I’m beginning to think Prince Ruprecht is Woody Allen.

Who the fuck is Dylan?! Did you cut and paste this from another rant? The guy in question here is named Ronan Farrow.

Jyn Erso from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story dresses exactly like her male counterpart (ie. for the task at hand, not objectification) including low-heeled, sturdy boots.

The Quebecois are assholes (and casually racist as their recent “face-covering” ban shows). Albertans can often be assholes too. And don’t get a British Columbian talking about how great their province is unless you’re looking to lose the will to live.

Also, I mean, I don’t care how tired I am, I don’t slut shame women. I don’t suggest that victims were essentially asking for it by dressing a certain way. Seriously. A good night’s sleep isn’t all that’s between me and being an asshole.

He can say whatever he wants because his supporters will believe him. Rage at the lies all you like, the fuckers who voted for him will make this their new reality.

Simply because she’s a woman? Might as well praise Trump then ffs.