
Do you mean when she was the Executive Director for community affairs and then Vice President for Community and External Affairs for University of Chicago Hospital? Is that what you meant by “administrative assistant”?

Thanks. I should have taken the time to find out the proper phrase. I knew it was something like that. I read about in Jon Krakauer's book , I think.

They are very upfront about it too. I think the call it "bleeding the monster/giant" in their literature. You see, their fraud is at God's behest.

I’m surprised no one has mentioned how the couple uphold the prosperity doctrine of American Christianity. Obviously, they’re not making the mark where the Dominionist and/or Quiverfull folks are the judge and jury but fuck those sects. Prosperity doctrine is getting a heathen like Trump the Republican nomination and

I actually use my phone flashlight to find the receptacle plug to charge it at night. That way, I don’t wake my husband by flipping on the light. That is my only use for the flashlight app though. So, I use my flashlight to keep my phone charged. I’m like the Bizzaro-World version of you.

That would be “Miley Odinsdottir”.

This is Jezebel. It’s the blog version of that mean girl in highschool that pretended to be progressive and all “save the whales” but was actually a petty, small-minded bitch who cut down others.

Who calls their significant other by their full name?

I totally did not know that. Thanks for explaining. I guessed that liberty was misspelled but I don`t look at ``tranny`` and think that must be tyranny. Maybe because tranny is a slur and so I stopped thinking but libety isn`t a word.

You know, he sort of seems like a jerk. I only get that from interviews but I get it.

I read this whole story thinking: These are people who live very differently from me. Very differently, indeed.

Why are they your least favourite couple? Who are they?! Why am in the dark about this?!

No lie. I read the headline and threw up in my mouth a little.

Every now and then I am struck by the fact that people are actually, you know, PAID to write that shit. PAID. They are buying houses and raising kids and using resources and their contribution to society is they write about phantom divorces and pregnancies and "ultrasound dramatizations" like these are useful and

Also, fraternal twins would have to run in the mother's family, not the father's, for it to make a difference. In other words, only Mila can drop 2 eggs.

I suppose this might not have been the first time she pulled a gun during a fight. People have different ideas of normal, right? I wasn’t raised in a house with guns (a couple hunting rifles, no hand guns) and if someone pulled a gun near me, I’d probably freak out. But if you live with someone who pulls out a gun

We should form a club. Get jackets. Write in cursive.

That is some commitment to the trend. Call me a coward but I'm not suffering physical pain for anything as boring as fame.

I used to sing it to my daughter as a lullaby. I alternated it with a Newfoundland song about the same battle called “Recruiting Sergeant.” She was the only kid in Kindergarten who knew where Galipoli was.

I am going to assume that you were quoting the last line of “And the Band Plays Waltzing Mathilda” because I actually read/sang your post as if that’s what you intended. Please don’t shatter my illusion.