
I don’t actually think it’s evidence that he’s an asshole. People can do things wrong and not be assholes through and through. One Instagram pic does not serve as the basis to judge a life. Well, unless it’s a pic of him committing a horrible crime. That might do.

So, I signed up to Tumblr and searched Carrison, and I sort of blame you for how I spent my Saturday night. Blame or thank. Whatever.

Melissa McCarthy wanted Chris Hemsworth to be an a-hole.

Well, the Prairies are very dry.

On the bright side in Canadian music news this week, the Tragically Hip announced that their final concert in Kingston will be broadcast live, commercial free, on the CBC on August 20 thus allowing fans like me to say to legal scalpers: Kiss my fat ass, you motherfuckers. I’m not buying your inflated tickets, StubHub.

It’s sad when you realize that you have a price. It’s even sadder when you realize how low that price is.

Yeah. That’s the ‘it’s so common’ problem. I mean, I agree with you but when you’re raised surrounded by assholes, assholes become your normal.

The signs are so fucking common. We can’t go around imprisoning every asshole.

I’m assuming he’s talking about Clinton and Sanders supporters.

Yes. Because, in our society, there is no difference between the way men and women experience power in a relationship. Good point.

Now that’s a meme that has to go viral.

Yeah. The TPP still sucks though. But he’s been a good president on the whole and, given the opposition he faced, he’s gotten a lot done.

I think an equivalent analogy would be the moon filing a lawsuit saying “I’m made of cheese”and then later denying it ever said it was cheesy. After all, it was her parents who both said that this both was and was not about her sexual orientation.

I’m assuming that all the “female Ghostbusters is ruining my childhood” will mature into “female Ocean’s 11 is ruining my adolescence.”

It’s sort of pathetic that this guy is trying to be the new Simon Cowell.

I suspect he figured that Adele's name would generate more headlines. #fakecontroversy

If it’s any consolation, they are probably wealthy Swedes. And they are white, young and attractive. Not frat boys but maybe close enough to serve as the yin to the asshole rapist’s yang.

I think we're doing something with shoes too. And chocolate. Chocolate shoes, maybe?

Who watches The View?!

I imagine there was a gun near their bodies with her fingerprints on it too. But I mean, what’s physical evidence when you have a cursing parrot?