
Was celebritits a typo or just some fucking clever wordsmithery? I’m prepared to believe the latter.

Moaning in a fake British accent during sex is about the only lifestyle suggestion that I’d take from Goop. I think I’ll give it a go tonight.

No, I’m saying that the corruption of leaders is not a defense for the oppression of citizens. If it was, all Canadians would in as much despair as First Nations Canadians. Buttcanoe

Congratulations on converting your racism to a purely economic argument. You must be proud - although you’re really only repeating what that fucknut, buttcanoe Harper mewled out a few years ago. So, not an original thought in your head after all. By the way, where did the 4 billion dollars go that Harper misplaced and

“They don’t have a problem , we all have a problem.” Exactly. I quoted that just to repeat it. Canada needs to get this printed on a fucking t-shirt that we all wear. It’s not “their” problem, ffs. It’s our fucking problem.

I hear you. I am Original Trilogy Orthodox, blessing be upon Han-Who-Shot-First, but I find myself dabbling now with TFA and I will probably see Rogue One.

This not like having differing tastes in musicals or a friend of yours preferring the Star Wars prequels to the Force Awakens.

I had to re-read that part too.

But that kicking picture? I mean. He’s made from genetically modified materials, right? That can’t happen naturally.


I’ll never doubt you again.

Right? I hope this is an reflection of inaccurate reporting rather than a reflection of Depp’s lack of self awareness and hypocrisy.

If you’re into dudes, this is the picture for you.

Sort of like how gay marriage hasn’t ended the world...

Isn’t he, though? Sometimes he actually makes my mind go blank. Like when I see a photo of him or something. It doesn’t happen in his Thor get up but just random photos of him. If I watch an interview, I giggle like a 12 yr old. It’s ridiculous.

I wish I could star you more than once for the Outsiders reference there.

Wouldn't you like to find out what we'd do without Piers?! I mean. I'd like to find out.

Women in Ontario (Canada) won the legal right to go topless. The law that prohibited it was struck down over a decade ago as being discriminatory. All the same, there isn’t a lot of female, public toplessness here. It’s either too cold or there are too many mosquitoes.

Chris Hemsworth is proof of the existence of an omnibenevolent God.

When I read the bit, I thought it must be wrong to feel bad for a serial killer. Right? I mean, that story makes me think that Penn is an asshole. A completely unaware asshole. I’m an atheist and even I have the “there but for the grace of God go I” sentiment for the worst people in the world. Ramirez had been caught.