
I never said there was right or wrong. Do what you fucking want. There are about 5 other commenters here who could be your twins. You all moisturize for health reasons and wear make up because you like it. I’m not sure why you feel the need to justify it to me. I said I don’t wear make up and I’m happy about it.

Good for you?

I live in northern Ontario. I know what the cold does to skin.

I’m not writing off those who do as bending to the patriarchy. I’m saying your choice to wear make up isn’t made in a vacuum. Neither is my choice to not wear make up. We live in a context and it affects our desires. You go one way, I go a different way.

Yeah. I get that some people ‘choose’ to wear make up. (Although if there was no social pressure to have even or moisturized skin would you notice or care? I suspect not but that’s a discussion for a different day.)

The phrase “$24 Liquid Lip colors” reminds me to be grateful that I don’t wear make up nor am I compelled to by some shitty double-standard in my workplace.

You miss Kitchenette too, don’t you?

I agree that the unknown element is a good thing here. People will go see the movie because it’s part of the Star Wars universe. There is no need to get a big star. Better to get a good actor that’s true to the part.

Now playing

Yeah. That guy is great. He’s like Harrison Ford’s kid or something. Look and voice. I thought they had dubbed Ford’s voice over his when he was talking but I think that’s really his voice.

...Young Han Solo in an as-yet untitled Star Wars spin-off that nobody asked for.

Up? Nothing’s up with it. It’s slicked down.

He looks weird in that picture. What is it? The hair or has he had some work done? You wouldn’t think he’d had work done with that forehead but he just looks... Weird.

Who knew that my mother was an artiste back in the 70s? We just laughed at her poor photo-taking skills. Apparently, unaesthetic is the aesthetic.

What’s that arrangement even about? Are they going to eat the vegetables or are they for show like a floral arrangement?

Right? Isn’t the obvious answer “then don’t fucking look, you moron”?

“I don’t need to see that.”

I saw the first Star Wars movie when I was 9 yrs old. I loved Han Solo. Not like that, I mean that I wanted to be Han Solo. We played Star Wars all summer and I was always Han. ALWAYS.

For the first one, they all took a percentage of the proceeds to compensate for the low pay. They all made a ton of cash out of the first one.

I think you’re confusing Northern Exposure with Due South. I agree though, Callum Keith Rennie would be worth cornrows. By the way, have you seen Hard Core Logo with Rennie and Hugh Dillon?

Right? I am so shocked that he’s still a thing.