
Grouchy or not, you deserve stars. Where are all your stars?!

“Regularly” is not the word I’d use. I’ve seen it happen at least 4 times in my adult life. Never to me directly, however. Once the guy beside me found a used bag when he went for the in-flight menu. That’s the closest that I’ve ever come to it being in my seat back.

This happens fairly frequently, doesn't it? Or do I just fly a lot?

Oh, I forgot Cher had two sons.

I wonder if it’s a choice though: believe or don’t. I couldn’t believe in God. Back when I was a good Catholic girl getting ready for my first confession, I just knew it wasn’t true. I didn’t want to reject the faith of my family but... Well, I just assumed it was like Santa and everyone was in on the con.

I was young when I saw it and I remember being very traumatized by it. I was probably too young to be watching it, now that I think about it. Perhaps it got worse in my mind than it was? The violence in the movie is particularly bad, by my memory of it.

No. Just boring, missionary sex. But the prostitute has to go in for repairs because she’s gummed up with semen at one point.

Wasn't there? I recall a scene with a prostitute in a saloon... Did I imagine it? Dear God. What's happened to me?! It was not a pleasant scene and now I'm worried that it came from my own brain.

I don't know. From what I've read, Chaz Bono is no prize either.

Occasionally, I think about the evidence for the existence of Jesus and how, if he even did exist, how little we know about him and I wonder how Christianity would change if we knew the truth about him. And, what about Mohammed, whose life is better recorded but the sketchy things are brushed over or ignored.

The highly anticipated remake of Westworld, you mean?

The standard is so low. My facebook has been inundated with that damn meme about how Francis thinks that even people who don’t believe in God can be good people.

Facts have a well-known liberal bias.

I’m not quite sure why the headline here isn’t:

“On another note...society needs to go back to taking RSVPing seriously.”

Stag and does are common around here. It’s a fundraiser that the bridal party typically throws in support of the marrying couple and anyone can buy a $2 ticket and show up. A lot of people go to them on a Friday and Saturday night, even if they don’t know the couple, because the booze is cheaper than a bar, there’s no

I am not defending this woman. I want to make that clear at the outset.

That was a joke. You know, whenever someone who isn't nobility thinks they've figured out the rules of being rich, those rules become "common". Maybe it's a British thing.

Front row at a rugby match? How common.

I'm going to go out on a limb here but I imagine a reporter/correspondent will show it to her. You know. Because that's fucking obvious.