samba85 L

haha! :)

I saw some episodes of season 4 and found them too hard to watch. I didn't want to tarnish the memory of my favourite show.

Agreed. Loved them together…but still love her with danny and same goes for cliff. Too many good romantic interests

Not gonna lie, I shaved mine yesterday….:)

No, he's turned into a slob and she wanted someone to impress her ex

BB9 is awesome! Especially Boyle!

Haha! I like the show…but nice one :)

What makes you say that? Are you a writer for the series. Well obviously not, as this show is funny and charming and you seem quite the opposite. :)

Geeze. Looks like you need to work on you're anger issues.

I know - I think he felt comforted by the fact that he knew they were together and were there .i.e. When he found his necklace and the doors opening. Still, I sobbed more in this movie than even the eight below (and I didn't even think that was possible)!

who is that??? :)

Aria is totally 'A' - come on her name begins with an 'A' too, so technically it's not even a pseudonym. So my guess is that Ezra will be her little minion or something

Aria is totally 'A' - come on her name begins with an 'A' too, so technically it's not even a pseudonym. So my guess is that Ezra will be her little minion or something

I always thought that 'A' was going to be Ezra, even when it looked like Toby and Mona - cause come on he dated a 16 yr old. I'll be annoyed if they change him into a victim somehow but I think if there are any more twists to come I think it will be that Aria is also 'A' (also fits as her name begins with an 'A')

Well that's your opinion - but although I like the mindy project, I don't love it for the reasons you don't like new girl, as there is no character depth or realism. However, I have come to love new girl for it's funny yet emotional depth and the amazing actors that have gotten me invested in the show.
Mindy project

Watch both new girl and the mindy project - and while i like the mindy project, i love new girl. Mainly because it's got more character depth and heart which makes me more invested in the characters and the show itself - also morgan on the mindy project is so fucking annoying.

haha :D - agreed