Enormoose Mouse

Off with the Koh-i-Noor. Prick!

Democracy from a constitutional monarchy? Pfft. The constitution of India has a lot of aspects and structure borrowed from various countries. Yes, a lot of the legal system is borrowed. How do you think the UK got so rich in the Industrial Revolution era to have the ‘huge economic engines’ and ‘massive amounts of

Pure ignorance.

the gift that keeps on giving!

All that coffee makes the bats stay up at night.

Came for the boobs. Left a little disappointed!

Just WOW! It’s beautiful. 5:01 - 5:14 mark is scary and beautiful. The vastness and blackness of the ocean is awe-inspiring. The video brings out our insignificance as a human race, the crew’s sense of adventure, and the brilliance of Nature. Absolutely brilliant.


Did this about 13 years ago at Shotoverjet, Queenstown, NZ. (Jeez..I'm getting old!)

Its a juicer alright but will it blend? :p

Valyrian steel, duh!

She looks so fake! Almost like one of those 3D/virtual sex pop-ups on the side of Pornhub. Seriously though, she looks so touched up especially in the general chest and torso area. That sends a way worse message about beauty and female objectification than her risqué pose.

The recent rape case brought to light the flagrant violations of local laws that Uber was making. Background checks aside, they were technically illegal to operate.

The music was building up to the crash. Late-summer time sadness for the biker dude

As is the case with all things, size does not matter. It's how you use it (bezels) that counts.

Troll! Go back under the rock where you live. If you don't like football (rightfully called so) then don't spew your venom. Stick with the sport of your choice.

Beautiful video which captures only a fraction of the diverse and mystical land that is India. The diversity of people, cultures, religions, languages, etc is so huge that even Indians find it difficult to understand and experience it in one lifetime. Jai Hind!

Is it something you could fap to? Now that is what the criteria for NSFW should be.

How thoughtful of her to post the name, address and phone number of the other Sun Valley residents. Agreed that this information is available in the phonebooks but this is the Internet! Way bigger outreach than Sun Valley, Idaho!