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    And I wonder if you're an upper class white female with an inordinate amount of privilege and a like-minded friend group that's overwhelmingly white and rich like you who has no business speaking for homosexuals or people of other races. Funny how these things work.

    A tedious plot summary interspersed with obnoxiously stupid ham-fisted criticism, painfully simple in moralizing about the show based on the actions of what is very clearly presented as a flawed and morally ambiguous character.

    it's literally 3.029 square miles… it's a very small place.

    Ugh I'm so sick of dippy white male millennials patting themselves on the back for calling out "white males tropes." It's literally always some dippy blonde guy with that same stupid hat they all have.

    Q: How is this any different from The Honeymooners?
    A: It's set 40 years in the past, the patriarch is the obvious target of the satire, and it's a cartoon. Next question.