Wait, can love conquer a language barrier? Is that right? Can you love a thing, excuse me, WOMAN if you can't even ask her a question about her hobbies?
Wait, can love conquer a language barrier? Is that right? Can you love a thing, excuse me, WOMAN if you can't even ask her a question about her hobbies?
When this movie came out, I hated it. When my parents mentioned this fact to their friend, he said, "What? How can anyone hate Love, Actually? It's probably because she's a Democrat."
My darling Lindy,
I don't really give a shit about this movie one way or another - but I am certainly here for the angry comments. This is going to be better than the time Lindy insulted Titanic, and people just up and lost their minds.
From now on, every time I see a box of Frosted Flakes, I will think of Liam Neeson crying.
Does he mean... "If mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy"?
Nope. I am and was aware that everyone of them is a Scientologist.
The women in these men's lives are not being manipulative enough. Basic training theory says that rewarded behaviors are repeated. So even if he dumps bleach in with the laundry, you tell him that he tried so hard, you really appreciate him working at it, and wasn't he sweet to try. You're sure he can figure it out…
I did not have the attention span to get past the first paragraph of this article. I tried to read the last one but got bored. If only there was a drug that could help me.
But Gonzo, it's Sciiiience. If we can't trust the algorithmic findings of a completely subjective dating site with no controls, where people's self-identification with no addition of nuance or scale is weighed against sexual interest based on their messages to the arbitrary make-up of people on the site.... wait...…
Soooo it might not occur to you that the person who is identifying is bi might look for the less socially acceptable gendered partner in a place that is more anonymous and safe? Their is a litany of reasons why one should take scientific studies more seriously then some aggregation on an OkCupid blog, but keep on…
If you read the NY Times, there is more information on Miller's wife, including a bit about trashing McKenna for using outside child care when she had custody.
If I was pregnant with a kid and the father asked me to abort said kid, and then suddenly did a 180 after meeting a new lady and suddenly wanted full custody of the kid, to the extent of *changing the kid's name*, I'd "shop around" for a better state, too. If he wanted split custody somehow, I'd listen, but this is…
Because you're not talking about one individual's self-expression, you're talking about gender and cultural norms. Women used to be "allowed" to have natural public hair and still be considered sexy (look at old-school porn). Now they're expected to have little or none. And if they have it, they're labeled "unkempt,"…
Can I just remind everyone that pubic hair isn't some fad that happened in the '70s? It irritates me when women talk about a "'70s bush," as if their natural bodies are equivalent to a pet rock or mood ring. Pubic hair is always there. And if you choose to shave or wax it, that's your party. But it's not ye olde…
Uh... I'm sure most couples are happier when neither partner stews over something forever and holds grudges. I wouldn't've married Mr. Cat if he did that, and I'm sure he wouldn't've married me.
Except they aren't "smashing girlie toys", they're using all kinds of toys as components of a Rube Goldberg contraption, often entirely non-destructively. That includes a non-girly trombone, among other things.
So...she has a writing career and I do not?
I had two showers. Both co-ed. The first was family and the second was my friends and coworkers where I gave myself permission to drink sips of wine without judgement. Co-ed showers aren't that rare, from my experience.