
Thanks!! I'm not super far into it (juuuuust about 3 months, soon) and this is the first time I have mentioned on the mainpage, so totally reasonable you didn't know. How is it going? Overall and in perspective, very well, but the nausea is honestly and truly bolstering my already strong desire to adopt a third

He was but dude is from my home area and not even remotely posh. He is a working class boy done well. Same for Sir Patrick and Sir Derek. Social mobility ahoy. Love them all!

Here's yet another reason to love Patrick Stewart.

Why did so many people confuse pumpkin and pumpkin spice?
Why was it so shocking to so many people that Starbucks used artificial flavors?

I've been watching this freak-out calmly since October and all I can think about is why anyone is surprised by or interested in any of this. And I'm totally not the cynical,

Well, I went to Catholic school from K-12 plus college—and not one in a very liberal area—and we learned about every reproductive option under the sun. From nuns. I mean, the nuns probably didn't have much experience actually using any of the options or confronting any of the choices, but I sure learned a lot. With

Well, yes, by high school girls know that princesses and fairy tales aren't real...and yet, do they? They spent years—formative years—believing in fairy tales, and maybe even having those fairy tales reinforced by adults. My grandmother wanted nothing more than for her beloved granddaughter to be whisked away by a

I can think of few industries worse for woman than the food industry. Industrial welding, oil field work, law enforcement, and others may come close or be worse but the food industry is definitely up there. It sucks so much, and articles like the one in Time just play into the misogyny that is rampant in the industry.

Damn, I had my first at 39 and I still don't think I was ready. At 26 I was still trying to figure out how to get to work on time.

Gaaaaaaad, when will people quit dragging the "War On Christmas" bullshit from its grave like a dessicated, hoary, increasingly pissed off Zombie??

Child abandonment is not just tolerated by scientology, but mandated. My cousin "disconnected" from her own daughter because she came out as a lesbian at 14. Put her on the street and never spoke to her again, citing "Church" doctrine. But scientologists abandon children all the time. It is required. They call it

So DuchessODork is doing this question thing but Jezebel and Kinja decided that she should be grey?

Pirates used to get gay-married for companionship and so that their plundered assets were protected back in the day.

Douchebag Shrugged

I can't keep pretending like fandom is a legitimate place to place your energy when you are in your thirties. Nor can I pretend that the escapist retreat into these (now once again male-centric fandoms) isn't just a pathetic attempt to escape a world that is increasingly economically and sexually hostile.

No, actually. The *rate* doesn't change with the sample size — if one in ten are successful, that's 1/10 or 10/100 or 100/1000 etc etc.

Pfft. She can keep all that. I'd rather be right here in Alaska, hiking and skiing with my girls.

They controlled for that.

err it's quite early to be accusing this organization of eugenics.