And then Interpol looks out their office window and impotently shakes their fists at the criminals.
And then Interpol looks out their office window and impotently shakes their fists at the criminals.
America seems to be a funny place. Full of puritans cluthicng their pearls at a bare breast, but at the same time home to establishments like this one, the Playboy empire and the biggest porn industry in the world. Breastaurants are publicly chastised, people express indignation at families going there, yet they're…
Kale is extremely easy to prepare. All you need to do is toss damp kale it at high heat with a bit of oil, some garlic, and a touch of salt. Add crushed red pepper for a little kick. If you're super lazy, use garlic powder instead of fresh garlic. It takes about 5 minutes.
What's wrong with guilt? I want my kids to worry about the effect they have on others.
Um, do you equate your children with mass murdering terrorists? Because that might be a whole other problem.
Is "night-vacuuming" another term for blow job? If not, it should be.
This reminds me of something I read somewhere, where men and women were both asked what their "comfort foods" were. Men tended to answer with things that are labor-intensive and/or complex to make - lasagna, meatloaf, fried chicken. Women tended to respond with convenience foods that don't require preparation -…
As far as how your relationship with your spouse will change: This is all just based on what I've seen other families go through, but in my experience, a lot of it comes back to how you perceive gender roles. If your husband is the type to think that childcare is more of a woman's responsibility, then you're going to…
It's another thing entirely if she is concerned about putting her child in the best car seat or the greatest pre-school.
Considering that traditionally babies were reared communally and not by one or two sole parents, it makes sense. It's a shame so much stress has to be placed on the mother and that fathers aren't so pressured to join in on the parenting.
I think that there is something here about the harm that's done to people in impoverished and stressful environments as children. I recently read an article in the atlantic about the brain changes that occur when children are exposed to stressful, impoverished situations. I am hoping that this science begins to point…
No empirical data. Yeah, this isn't science. This someone creating a post-hoc explanation of a current "phenomenon". This is someone sharing their opinion while drunk at a party.
Watching Jezebel try to write about science is like watching a kitten play with a ball of yarn.
Married atheist lesbian here, going to be married forever just to spite the fundies. :D :D :D
Hey! How about we NOT compare things that AREN'T RAPE to rape?!?
You voluntarily went into a haunted house, WITH a waiver AND a safe word to end the experience at ANY time. This is no where close to rape. Get a fucking clue!
HAHA I APOLOGIZE. I SPENT MY CHILDHOOD WRITING FANFICTION IN A TREE. I don't recognize pop culture references from before like 2000 :(
Too bad I'm not famous...
I would have had 10 kids if childbirth was the hardest part of having kids.
I think that it's because women are fed a whole bunch of lies, yes fucking lies, about how you will never, ever get pregnant after 30. As a woman who had an abortion at 29 while on the pill (remember when those BC pills were pulled off the market two years ago guess what I was taking) and a subsequent in depth…
Sigh. The perspective in this article is disappointingly limited and out of date. Eating organic (by humans or animals) isn't just about health outcomes. It's also about the environment. I totally agree that people are ga-ga for their pets and humanize them in ridiculous ways, but a little more research and…