
Breastfeeding isn't confined to newly post-partum mothers, though. Plenty of women breastfeed for 1, 2, or 3 years, or more.

Yeah, I was also still nursing after a year. If I had a job that required me to dress in a way that necessitated more structured/nicer underpinnings, this would have been great.

All I know is that my husband's Southern Italian grandmother apparently called risotto "rizzortt" and she was only one generation removed from the folks who came on the boat/ So I think it's just dialect, not lack of knowledge.

That pronunciation of Italian words is actually due to regional Italian dialects. Calabrian and Sicilian, I think (which is where most of the Italian immigrants to NY/NJ/PA originated).

I take my son to our neighborhood park all the time and there are all kinds of neighborhood kids there unaccompanied. Usually they're in packs, but sometimes there's a loner too. I wouldn't think a single thing of it unless the child looked distressed or was truly inappropriately young.

I'm not sure "it worked in the past" is really that obvious of an answer. I'm sure on some level a cost/benefit analysis does come into it, but I'm thinking it's the "cost" side of that equation that needs the scrutiny. If the cost is "she'll probably laugh it off and I won't suffer any lasting social stigma" then

Do they not realize that 99.9% of dicks are weird-looking and the main reason ladies like dicks is that they are attached to men we like? The dick itself is just... I mean, here, he's a picture of the inside of my vagina. Same thing.

Being a kid in the late 70s and 80s was fucking terrifying! We were all 10000% sure the world was going to end in a nuclear holocaust, probably tomorrow. The Cold War was legitimately scary and didn't end until the late 80s.

I don't see much if any appreciable difference between sitting in a restaurant with a book and mom busy working elsewhere and walking a couple blocks away to go to the park with a cell-phone and plans to check in at regular intervals in person. Let the kid go to the park, ffs. It's not any more irresponsible than

What leads you to believe a class about how to speak to children and use positive discipline and suchlike would be of any benefit to this woman at all? The facts of the story are only that her ability to supervise her daughter was impeded by the necessity of holding down a job—a job that does not pay enough to be able

Does anyone else remember the Doritos that were made from restaurant style white corn chips and had a slightly more spicy, piquant flavor (not burn-your-mouth-0ff spicy, just pleasantly zippy)? I feel like I must have hallucinated these but they were my favorite outlet for munchies circa 1995.

*fist-bump* Bring on the milk and cookies.

AKA hooking your boobies up to a vacuum. I always laugh when I see dudes all like, "Oh ho, you get these sweet ~special privileges~ for nursing, where's MY special little room, huh? Huh?!" Yo, you hook two suction cups to your nips for 20-30 minutes at a time several times a day and then get back to me about how

I think this is probably a key factor, if not the key factor. My husband's parental leave benefits were ah-mazing (better than mine, and I work in a sector generally known for fairly sweet bennies). But less than a year after our son was born, his entire department was eliminated. And so it goes. It's all about

What I meant is that there is not official government "papers please" certification, to my knowledge (I have been told this by people with service animals—were they mistaken)? There are private organizations that will test or train animals, but something like CGC or TDI are not "certifications" the way I'm thinking of

There is no certification for service animals.

This is such a choice example of Man Of A Certain Age ideas about women's progress and how! great! it! is! Spoiler alert: it's still all about how hard their dick is. Attractive women of the world! Attention, attention! As long as you're still sexy, you can do and be anything you want! We grant you continued

I think it's a power play. They KNOW dick pics make women feel uncomfortable so they know it's something they can do that will make a woman respond in some way (even if that way is quiet disgust and hitting delete). That's power. They made you feel/do something. I think that's the thing that guys who do this get off

The only problem I see is the cause that it's a symptom of. When young people don't make enough to be independent households unto themselves, all the industries that rely on a steady stream of people buying, furnishing, insuring, and improving their own homes have a big, big problem. It's an economic problem, not a

Don't care about her ~lifestyle~ bs but teaching children to get adequate sleep is important! I'm a big fan of sleep hygiene. Big, big fan.