
This is honestly why I continue to use one of those back-seat mirror things (my toddler is still rear-facing) even though at this point he's fine back there, I don't *need* to check up on him while driving. But with the mirror, I can't look in my rear-view and not see him looking back at me. And on my drive from day

I do this some times when I have surplus veggies from the garden. I put out a donation cup and people can leave what they want. I also live in a city. *shrug*

It's bad to take data that correlates and then just make up whatever causality floats your boat. Science doesn't work that way.

1. Yes actually it is the law in every state that anywhere that a baby has a right to be, a mother has a right to openly nurse that baby, without covering up or being asked to leave.

A lot of sociological research on the topic seems to indicate that, in fact, many boys and men do NOT know that rape is bad. And they definitely don't know what rape even is (there is a general feeling that the scary stranger jumping out in a dark alley and raping by knife or gun-point is rape, but situations like

I don't really wear revealing clothing like ever ( not my style) and yet I hve been harassed plenty. One of the most threatening instances was when I was in business clothes (on lunch hour from my very dress code Washington DC office). I'm older now, and fatter, so now I get told I'm fat and ugly while out wearing

Our water bill went up because our city jacked the water rates so it's hard to tell, but we don't actually do *that* much extra laundry. Newborns go through a lot of diapers, so during that phase we probably did 3 extra loads a week. But as babies get older and need fewer changes you do less laundry. Right now we're

You get the chunkies off in the toilet and the rest goes in the washer. With newborns you don't even have to do that becuase their poop is basically just cheese and they don't produce that much at once. With older babies and toddlers you offload into the toilet (diaper sprayer is one method, or you can do the "flush

We unhooked our diaper sprayer recently becasue it was always a little leaky for us (which I am positive is user-error) and we have been using flushable (I hope? they say they are and they're made of bamboo) inserts in our diapers instead. Despite our son being nearly 2 his poops are still uh they are not solid so

If the issue is that you are an adult and need something moist to clean your behind, I have the product for you.

You are absolutely right. There is way less "on-screen" sex in the books (thank god because GRRM cannot write a sex scene to save his life) and the consensual ones are awkward and weird and the nonconsensual ones (there aren't that many of those) are gross and weird. Exactly none of that sex is titillating. (Not even

Oh! I am all a-squee over here :D


Just look at #yesallwomen and see 40-year-old women talking about what happened to them when they were 15 and any illusion one could have that this is a new thing evaporates.

It's not just "these days." It has been for a long, long time now but women are only recently becoming empowered to speak out about it.

I went braless for many years (the girls are still recovering from having a baby and a year of breastfeeding, so I'm back on the bra train currently) and if people stared? Fuck 'em. Not my problem.

So is it only permissible if you're wearing plunging neck line/see-through couture?

I'm kind of stuck on "what was the thought process that led to this being a perfect solution to 'want to include baby in wedding'?" But a 1 month old is.... god they are so floppy and delicate, that picture is making me panic. If that was a 5-6 month old? Bring it on, those kids love to be whooshed around. But a

I've got the most slopin'-est shoulders east of the Mississippi and sorry but you're going to see some bra strap from me sometimes. My straps have two settings: worn really tight and almost at my neck, or falling off both shoulders. Or option 3: I wear no bra at all and everyone plotzes from shock that humans have

Though the most amazing part of that whole unit was my mentor teacher herself talking about what life was like for her when she was a child in south in the 1950s. It was a mostly white, rural school and many minds were blown that day.