
There are a number of levels to the emotional component of breastfeeding.

If you search YouTube there are several breastfeeding instruction videos. It's all different when you have to actually do it yourself, though. Do you have breastfeeding support lined up? From what I've heard from other moms, hospital lactation consultants can be seriously hit or miss (I never even saw one, and I was

Yeah, how easy breastfeeding is compared to bottle feeding is going to differ for every circumstance. I think for most women, it's harder at first and then easier. For some women it's easier just right from the start (lucky bishes) and for some it will remain harder.

Aw, our babies are the same age! My guy is just about to turn 14 months and we've been slowly weaning so we're also just morning and evening nursers now. I don't pump at work any more which is ah-mazing. After the first 6 or so weeks, nursing turned out pretty good for us. No supply issues, didn't have to supplement,

Using a (pre-heated) cast-iron pan or griddle is even better.

There should have been a verse showing my baby as a newborn and his latch:

You can have mine! We're just about finished weaning, so you can take over! Hooray!

omg I am dying over here! But hey let's have some real talk about breastfeeding up in here. Because I am all about supporting mothers in whatever decision they make on how to feed their baby, but if you want to breastfeed there is a whole lot of BS out there that is supposedly in service of encouraging women to nurse

Well the main thing that differentiates a real baby from a theoretical baby is that with a real baby you just kind of have to do it. Those theoretical babies lend themselves to a lot of what-if scenarios (the little buggers) and dwelling on how much this or that would totally, totally suck. The non-optional nature of

Was this some sort of misguided MRA "Well men have it bad too, so nyah!" comment?

Our politicians and their crony news outlets like to pretend that no other alternative social systems exist anywhere in the universe, like how these systems work and what their potential benefits and pit-falls are are total and complete mysteries. Universal health coverage? Can you imagine what would happen?! It would

I am only able to do it through the great (and totally random) luck of having an awesome, close-knit family (both sides). They help a lot.

Yes, men are entitled to the same federal FMLA regulations as women (which are paltry and do not apply to a lot of employees, but it's the same regardless of gender).

I have a tiny baby (he's always been small and lately with the advent of walking he's started to actually lose weight, so we're currently working with professionals to try to fatten him up) and I am totally jealous of everyone who can brag and tell stories about their giant roly-poly babies. Any time anyone brings up

Yeah, I work on a college campus and... your typical 20 year old is not terribly deep, wise, or sensitive. Fuck, at 20 I was an idiot, too. You just don't realize it until you're 30 and look back and cringe.

Anyone who is able to keep up pumping while working a non-standard office job has my full props. I was working in a school last year and the teachers were getting ready to take the kids on a field trip and one of them had a verrrry familiar black bag with her. That badass mofo was going to pump while taking 100 6th

Yeah, I'm from PA and also lived for a while along side a small Amish and Mennonite community in Maryland and I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I see people saying how much they admire the Amish. The Amish are a closed religious community that operates largely outside of the law and who think they are a

I feel very little trepidation about nursing in public but for some reason I cannot use my breastpump when there is anyone else around except my husband and even that was weird for a while.

Again, have you ever seen anyone actually do this in your daily life? The internet wants to know.

Have you ever seen anyone actually behave like this in the real world?