
I think probably the thing that people need to understand is that new breastfeeding moms are 99.9999% just doing the best they can. And if the best they can do is get that baby latched without a cover, asking them to do more than that is like asking them to fly to the moon. There are as many individual circumstances

That too. And there is even some question as to whether or not electric breast pumps are covered by insurance. The language seems kind of vague and insurers who want to get all letter-of-the-law-rather-than-spirit seem to be free to give out $20 manual pumps and call that a fulfillment of their obligation.

The first 4 weeks of breastfeeding were absolutely the most difficult thing I've ever done. I'm glad I stuck with it but damn. Some day I'm going to write a true facts book about breastfeeding and it's going to be called "I Knew it Would be Hard But I Didn't Know it Would be This Fucking Hard."

Some facts about breastfeeding:

When I had a newborn, I had a difficult time breastfeeding at first. Getting him latched and feeding in a way that would not tear my nipples to shreds required both hands and a full, unobstructed view of what he was doing, and once he got on there, I couldn't move at all because he'd break his latch and we'd have to

Yeah, there's a lot of things that, unless you had younger siblings when you were old enough to actually keep track of these things, you don't know about how babies eat until you have to actually feed one. Like that newborns generally need to eat every 60-90 or so minutes when they are awake. So no, you can't just

If Tiny New Baby has an older sibling who is participating in activities like this, all those germs are coming home anyway. There's no reason to not take a healthy newborn out, as long as you aren't passing it around to random strangers and letting people get all up in its face/touch it a lot without washing hands,

lol okay. I'm pretty sure that Reddit doesn't want to see my flabby breastfeeding tits as they hang over my flabby post-partum stomach. I've got no fears that anyone anywhere is going to mistake my nursing with anything even remotely sexual or titillating.

My prenatal yoga teacher made us sing at the end of every class. It was horrific, especially because there were only like 4 people in class tops so you couldn't just move your mouth but not sing and get away with it.

Sure, they work to detect impending ovulation. But there's so much going on with whether or not you make a baby than just having sex when you ovulate. Generally speaking, if you're going to get knocked up just from sperm meeting egg in a timely manner, you very likely won't even get to the point of wondering "hm, do

You can actually purchase ovulation detector test kits. They're pee-sticks just like pregnancy tests but they tell you when you're about to ovulate.

I rolled in to the hospital in labor about 4 hours before when they were supposed to call me to tell me to come in for my induction. And I was terrified of an induction because I wanted an unmedicated birth. Turns out my blissful natural onset labor became a scary emergency c-section in record time. Babies are

This vastly depends on how old your kid(s) are and your own mental/physical health status. A child old enough to play on their own for a little while/a baby young enough that it sleeps most of the day (and you are lucky enough that your baby also sleeps at night so you aren't running on 2 hours of sleep when it goes

It's not rock bottom but it's on the lower-to-mid range. If you want to talk about pricey, that's Hanna Andersson, Tea, Boden/Mini Boden, etc, where you're going to be shelling out $30 for a kid's t-shirt. There's a whole world of insanely expensive kid's clothes out there.

I'm glad my munchkin has grown out of the footie-PJs as everyday wear phase of his life. Now it's just overalls and solid color onesies or graphic t's, and I bid adieu to the Carters Things On the Butt + Saying On the Chest line.

I think my most serious ragestroke of the clothing-a-newborn period was the "Brave Like Daddy" onesie. O rly? Brave like Daddy? Not brave like the parent who incubated you in her own damn body for 9 months and then had you cut out of her abdomen while she was still conscious? Not brave like that? Fuck you, Carters.

I have a son and I go on a murderous rampage when we go toy shopping. (I don't go clothes shopping very much because I birthed a hobbit and he hasn't outgrown his 9-12 month clothes yet.) Why do all the toys for toddlers come in girl and boy versions? They're toddlers! What 1 year old even knows what a princess is? Or

Unfortunately it's often the more expensive brands that have less obvious gendering. Stuff like Carters and The Children's Place are allll about assigning gender roles early and often. More pricey brands like Hanna Andersson and Zutano are way less into that kind of shit, but also are $$$$ if you buy new.

I still don't understand the point of this product. Breastmilk mostly just tastes like milk. Because it is milk. Am I missing something?

I was thinking it was a Game of Thrones/Star Trek crossover. Which would be awesommmmmmme!