Samantha Logue

Yeah our homicide rates would be smaller too if like in England they didn't include cases where there was no conviction, or where the person "was not prosecuted on grounds of self defense or otherwise". They don't even publish the real numbers in Britain. Though if you do check the facts, after guns were banned there,

How is that remotely relevant? Does Ted Cruz need to give you a talking to about your obsession with sex?

"Gun violence in high crime cities has almost nothing to do with their gun laws." …You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right?

Here, let me help you — I think what you meant to say was, "No one has successfully rebutted these arguments before." And if that's not what you meant, thank you proving it to be true, regardless! :)

There's nothing remotely unintelligent in any of Vince Vaughn's points. Studies show that the U.S. cities with the strictest gun laws have the most crime (Chicago, Baltimore, etc). There's a reason for that - everyone's an easy target.