samantha guerra

Exactly. Ive never been a fan of the "bro" atmosphere, and even Ive experienced guys questioning my geekiness simply because im a girl, which is lame, but there has to be a middle ground. I read TMS for the same reason. It was cool, and it mentioned works no one else was bringing up, and pointed out some issues, but

Well I would like to see more derby movies. I can only watch 'Whip It' so many times.

As a woman, I am tired of the amount of complaining, about every damn movie from friends who love to call themselves feminist. Its like, does everything I see need to have more people like me in it? Sometimes I dont care. I dont care that the fast and furious franchise is mostly guys. I dont care who was chosen to be

Its a sad tale when you arent going to a movie, a pool party, or getting any for 3 months. Its like a bummer trifecta. My condolences.

Ugh its a barren wasteland on TV. Thank god for the movies, pool parties, and sex or else I would have nothing to do all summer.