
If I’d have stayed there, I would have killed her.

She’s an Olympic gold medalist and was on the Wheaties box forever, this isn’t her “15 minutes”

“Oh, they’re a vegetarian, so they won’t eat anything that looks like meat.”

sadly, i think there is a subset of these defenders that aren’t simply mouth breathing cellar dwelling troglodytes, but ones who have an incident in their past that mimics a aspect of Cosby’s MO and cannot accept his guilt without admitting to themselves that maybe they also took advantage of another.

A woman I work with doesn’t believe any of it and thinks it’s a set up. She can’t understand why I think that’s completely insane nor does she believe any of the of the subsequent evidence that has come out. As best I can understand her argument, he played a nice man on TV, therefore he can’t be a rapist. Barf.

This should be required reading for every Cosby defending internet troll. A really powerful image.

That is a powerful image. It is just staggering see all of the women together. It drives home how much of a goddamn monster he was.

I love the open chair at the end of the line. It’s silently implying so many things. Because you KNOW there are more out there. And more women that will be raped by others. It's almost an open invitation to other victims to feel like they could step up and join those women who were able to come forward.

That was acting. Thank you.

I said this upthread (downthread? sidewaysthread? kinja, man), but she’s right. In the long term, this program will do literally nothing. The cats will breed, the numbers will go back up. A trap-neuter-release program would be far more effective in the long term.

Who goes out on a first date in a big forest alone? That screams “YOU WILL BE MURDERED” to me.

I like him okay. I was excited when he won (both times) and like some of what he has done. Some things are unforgivable though. He continues to be ok with the government illegally spying on us. He orders drone strikes to assassinate people who are not proven to have done anything, including a U.S. citizen. And he has

I would just like to say that I lost more than 50 lbs in 4 months—without ever counting a single calorie!—just by having severe gastrointestinal problems combined with depression so overwhelming I couldn’t make myself eat even when my system could handle it.

now listen you idiot, keep reading to those little kids and let the grown ups handle this and take that stupid look off your face

The world will be a safer place when that guy is dead.

Those photos are...deeply saddening. I can’t make a joke or snarky comment. These were taken at a very traumatic time in United States history.

The massive, overwhelming majority of men do, too. I’ve been rejected and laughed at by countless women and never raised my hand or a weapon to any, and never will. Your statement is definitely true. The fear of being abused or killed by a man is rational, but probably less likely to come to pass than being laughed at

You’re not the heroes America needs. Just the heroes America deserves.