While the stereotype of taxi drivers around the world is one thing, taxi drivers in Thailand can seem a special type…
While the stereotype of taxi drivers around the world is one thing, taxi drivers in Thailand can seem a special type…
My hot take on the new exploration game Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture: It is ultra super good-looking.
Humans didn’t invent masturbation. We get the urge because our ancestors did too, even back to the earliest mammals…
He’s got a bright blue mask, flashy racing stripes, and dance moves he’s ready to use on some lucky lady. Say hello…
When hitchBOT the hitchhiking robot started his journey in Boston two weeks ago he wanted to see the entire country.…
Professional daredevil Nick Macomber made history over the weekend, conducting the first successful jetpack flight…
Pornhub has really outdone itself this time. After inventing a wearable that lets you charge your gadgets by jerking…
This is amazing. During the breeding season, American alligators call for mates with a deep loud roar. It’s preceded…
Southern dumpling squids (Euprymna tasmanica) are natives of shallow, sandy Australian sea beds, and their small,…
Nature is both endlessly inventive and endlessly bone-headed. You want proof? The male flour beetle can, by…
Insects with nightmarish spiky penises that can harm their mates are really nothing new. But a new study in the Journ…
Cartilaginous fishes, like sharks and rays, are blessed with something called “claspers,” dual sperm-releasing tubes…
After losing all but one centimeter of his penis to a botched circumcision, an anonymous 21-year-old man from…
I learned to roll a joint from a nine-and-a-half-fingered Belgian count.
Giant cuttlefish have some unusual mating rituals. But once they find a suitable partner, the act of knocking boots…
Poker used to be cool. From Wild Bill Hickok getting shot up over aces and eights to Paul Newman and Robert Shaw…
Humans didn't invent the idea of combining sex and commerce. Plenty of animals are willing to mate, but only if the…
From dogs using magnetic fields to pee to tiny cameras hidden inside of penguin robots, science has its share of…