
Did you monitor your cpu usage / battery drain over a period of time with "reflections" on and off to compare if it uses more cpu? NO

As much as this looks more like a toy for children, this thing can be configured to a beast, so respect to that.
Besides, the cylinder form most probably gives it better airflow for cooling

Depends on enterpretation.

this would gorgeous on a 5" screen

i need audio NOWWWW

Im surprised no ones tagged yet.

UI Updates are a huge deal, not just for Apple, but for Android and WP as well. Apple hasnt impressed me in years, so i really hope they got something up their sleaves, so it may also result in an even more productive Android Experience one day.

There is one single solution to this, but first lets rephrase the problem: The Problem isnt microsoft or apple, its us consumers. Why do we want to have the newest tech all the time? Times have changed. New products are always better, but 2 year old hardware is still more than most of us actually want and need.

Illegal nowadays doesnt mean "unreachable" anymore. It just means "twice-the-price"

Whats the difference between proxy and VPN?

Once you go Nexus, you never go back...

Be honest you guys. Is there anything else we truely want from our smartphones now that they're all extremly fast?

0:19 —> Orgasm ?

To be fair though, I dont know one single person around me, who doesnt use a case for his/her smartphone. Doesnt this make this argument that the back feels cheap obsolete?

Everytime I see americans drink filtered coffee, i lose a little respect for you guys.

Thats with every phone then the Nexus Line

No, but Im really really happy with Pulse :)

Pulse Reader

Someone who practises on this, will become a master in pleasuring women in no time!

I dont think that this has any value for either diagnosing or therapy. But rather for teaching which could be really cool