I don't understand why people are blaming tesla. Autopilot didn't kill him, his inability to look where he was going did.
I am very concerned about the wage gap which clearly exists between me and Jennifer Lawrence.
I’m not entirely sure that you’ve read what you’ve written. You post an inflammatory and grade 4 writing-level title to an article, then seem mystified when it gets more reaction than the content of the article. Why is that?
The context she wants is “we should never make films out of this”. That’s nonsense.
But that doesn’t explain why she called it “garbage.”
True, but do you say “lets toss all art, music and writing from that period into the dumpster?”
I am not one who usually complains about being overly PC, because that charge is usually thrown out by conservatives and libertarians to shut down criticism of their own wacky ideas rather than engage in a discussion. But in this case you are being overly PC. Much of 19th and early 20th century literature is saturated…
Everyone go home, this guy just posted the perfect response
“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”
Thing about that is that aliens, at least, are real.
Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.
reduce us to their level
I believe Malala Yusafsai was entirely correct when she told Obama that investing in education for girls would have been far more of an efficient method of combating terrorism than the drone program, or the support of rival fighter groups. Preventative or restorative investments in civil society and infrastructure are…
This seems to be a pretty common thing with conservative leaning people. They’ll hate on gay or trans people until their son or daughter comes out, then they do a 180 and suddenly they’re all about love and acceptance. It’s like they can’t fathom that people different than them are just people as well and not some…
Analog dick pics! OMG
*sigh* It’s not about where we live. It’s about what we eat. Do you know how much flora or fauna can be destroyed by incremental changes in temperature?