
Same old story: Selfish, Republican shithead winds up in a situation where they have to actually use the social benefits which they have heretofore spent so much time and effort railing against. Lightbulb turns on over their head and they realize the value of social programs. Lather, rinse, repeat.

For real. I just bought life insurance and one of the questions was “Are you or have you ever been John Daly?”

Ah the good old days when we were men where we fought diseases like men. Sure diseases caused blindness, paralysis, death, and more but if you made it through you were a MAN! Then America got all soft and I blame science, BAH! What did science ever give us but make us all into a bunch of pansies who are too scared to

Anti-vaxxers are fucking terrorists

Great piece HamNo. Thanks for this, sincerely. 

I watched a video of these West Virginia miners hoping for those coal jobs to come back, especially some on lung machines. And you can definitely see the despair in your eyes. You can definitely understand why they end up voting for people who will destroy any chance of fulfilling their best interests, because their

But, but, Michael Brown was no angel! I saw it on the news and that means Ferguson protests are invalid!

Everybody has something they happen to be good at.

Call me crazy, but ignoring and refusing to engage with the union supporters isn’t actually negotiating. It’s just ignoring them and hoping time will be on their side.

You are sadly mistaken. The evolution of hibernation is a weapon. Bears have been plotting this. They’re going to fool us into thinking that they’re sleeping. Meanwhile, they’ll be digging tunnels under houses, just so they can explode through your basement and eat your babies. Kill ‘em all.

Nothing says getting back to nature like shooting a hibernating bear or one in a den with her cubs and stuffing it or making it a rug.

“Oh god, we don’t have a democrat in office to claim he’ll take our guns, and sales are dropping off! Ummm, we’re at war everyone! QUICK, BUY GUNS AND AMMO FOR THE WAR EFFORT!”

Don’t place the burden of all the blame on a singular person, but rather on the collective body which failed, as it was many smaller parts that created a great disaster.

Dismiss! Dismiss you, troll!!

I actually found myself asking “What ever happened to The New Deal? Which was odd. WWII got us out of a funk put people to work go the econ going again. This War was reverse. Drained us dry killing us off slowly. I feel like we are slowly pulling a Roman Empire.

I think you mean, lowering taxes on rich people and taking away worker’s health care. Everyone knows that’s the key to unlocking growth which will help everyone.

Yeah no betting house would offer odds on the latter, it’s probably already happened or is happening right now

Ya, I wonder why people are upset with this person? Of course Joyce Chen isn’t singularly responsible for the current state of bullshit that’s going on in our country, but her, her former employer, and thousands of other media whores played a role.