Salycilic Acid

Scalia had a veneer of respectability long before he became SCOTUS judge, and became a very powerful figure in legal circles. They knew each other long before RBG became prominent enough to be nominated for SCOTUS. Saying anything critical of his legal reasoning would have landed you in the unemployment line then and

If the charity was always doing something wrong and they never got investigated or reprimanded for 20+ years of doing the same thing, that speaks volumes.

The illegal activity of the charity has nothing to do with him running for office. What they did is illegal no matter what.

Ignoring some who repeatedly spouts nonsense is how Scalia got the veneer of respectability by being friends with her.

That’s good personal life advice, but not really good professional work advice when your job is the law. She’s essentially saying that a good person can get off doing bad things because she pretends she never heard it.

Sure, when I look at Kim prancing around fashion shows, the first thing that comes to mind is Princess Di raising awareness about land mines and sick kids.

5) watch your friends disappear when they realize that you’re using that friendship to score deals on their services. It’s not okay to use your friends, man.

Or smaller downpayment on a more modest house and fancy wedding.

What part of the phrase “statistically speaking” is confusing to you?

Meanwhile, Eva Langoria produces a show about maids, called “Devious Maids”, filled with Latinos and that’s not offensive at all, right?

What makes you think that you’re not using your platform to downplay the seriousness of this?