Salycilic Acid

So all 1% don’t have a right to privacy just because they’re 1%? Do you realize that the hedge funders who make the most money don’t do media? Ever heard of Michael Chen? How about Jim Simons? How about James Ax?

How is she trying to have it both ways?

Exactly. This garbage literary analysis relies on discredited Freudian analysis that no self-respecting person ascribes to.

It’s a crucial component only if you ascribe by the discredited Freudian school of psychonalysis.

10 years’ worth of roots? Oh my, that’s rivaling Oliver Cromwell roots. Whatever shall we do if we don’t cater to the desires of entitled nouveau riche carpetbaggers.

There are many people who can’t take over the counter medication safely for all sorts of reasons. Birth control pills are not unique in this regard. That’s why drug stores have pharmacists on hand to answer people’s questions. That’s why it says on the box of EVERY over the counter medication to consult a pharmacist

Botox can have similar benefits for people with migraines, but that doesn’t stop you from making fun of them when they need it and the cost isn’t fully covered by insurance.

Plenty of over the counter medication is expensive. Weed can also fuck you up if you don’t know what you’re doing.

All drugs require a regimen. That’s why they come with instructions written on the box and the pharmacist explains things to you.

It’s not <<defeating>> the system to do what everyone else in his position does: hire the best accountants to legally minimize his tax burden.

Not to be indelicate, but if you’re calling your own grandmother <<a crazy deplorable racist monster thug who hates America and makes your flesh crawl>> solely because she’s voting for someone you don’t like, you’re a few pancakes short of a stack yourself.

Did you just call your own grandmother a crazy deplorable racist monster thug who hates America and makes your flesh crawl?

Pretty sure you don’t pay a fucking dime, unemployed jackass. Do you even have a fucking job outside of constantly harassing people on Jezebel?

He complained that he gets audited every year? News to me. I don’t recall him ever saying what specific years he was being audited and therefore <<preventing>> him from releasing tax returns under review.

Fuck off, asshole. I responded to your comments with reasoned arguments and your only retort is to call me a troll.

How is it defeating the system if his accountant was legally allowed to do what he did?

Okay, fine. Scary French mime it is, then.

What’s even weirder is how I get chewed out whenever I point this out. I have learned that the only acceptable interaction is to thank them for their service and walk away.

Maybe you could start by making some yellow arm badges, to label all the racists and bigots, so that the rest of us know who to shun without having to ask.