He’s terrified that he just killed the whole idea of a grand jury in these cases, because it’s clear that the police force uses it to their benefit regularly, and don’t want to lose one of their most powerful tools in avoiding accountability.
He’s terrified that he just killed the whole idea of a grand jury in these cases, because it’s clear that the police force uses it to their benefit regularly, and don’t want to lose one of their most powerful tools in avoiding accountability.
I want him to lose of course, but dying the next day would let him off too lightly. Let him live long enough to see all the pending cases against him prosecuted. Let him live just long enough to see himself lose everything. Let him see his kids being convicted. Then when he has nothing left except his failing health…
This. Being an adult and undecided on who you vote for is - aside from maybe if both candidates are exactly the same - a sign or a lack of maturity (ie. shouldn’t be trusted to partake in the democratic process).
There aren’t any undecided voters left — there are just Trump supporters racists that are too embarrassed to admit it.
Collect the ken bones, add several backs of quikcrete mix, and toss them all in the deepest part of the ocean. Why, absolute morons like this are elevated in the public discourse is fucking beyond me. IT only serves to allow other undecided morons to feel comfort in their inexplicable hedging.
I was thinking the same thing. This man has obviously not even has a cortizone shot before. I had one for some really persistent shoulder pain and I fucking felt like superman afterward. The doctor even made sure to tell that I would feel that way and to not do anything stupid and screw up my shoulder more. It was…
Yep! Not a doctor myself, but as someone who has to take courses of dexamethasone regularly, this definitely seemed like a steroid “surge,” given the timing of the joyride, and his “I feel better than I did 20 years ago.”
I had to take steroids for a while. I was sick as a dog but felt like I had superpowers. On the bright side I did a shit-ton of work that I had been putting off. On the down side, when I was tapering of from prednisone it took months and every reduction in dose felt like a donkey kicked me in the pancreas.
We can only hope. Best plan all around is for him to linger until the election is over, then be so incapacitated that he can’t speak or move around. I always have a picture of Joe Kennedy in mind when I think of Trump languishing in a wheelchair.
The whole idea of the article (you did read it, yes ?) is how this makes people more capable and productive during their workday. The “Puritan Work Ethic” is a sham. It’s productivity “theater”.
I just got a 150ml bottle of matte black acrylic paint that is supposed to be the closest they can get to Vantablack. I’m looking forward to painting lots of miniatures with it.
I don’t trust Martin’s sensibility about sexual violence at all (and yet the show managed to not improve on it!), but there’s a nuance here that gets lost because we don’t have a great vocabulary for it. Daenerys suffers rape because she’s been put in a situation where she’s not in control of her sexual consent unless…
With this White House staff, I’m getting far more of a “Weekend at Bernie’s” vibe. The staff in “Dave” was actually competent enough to pull it off.
This helped kill Hillary’s election chances, how does this possibly help him?
Yeah but the Guilfoyle and Melania thing are barely news compared to half the white house getting Covid.
Thank You! I cannot deal with these people who think Trump is some kind of Machiavellian Super Nixon who leads everyone around by the nose and has some brilliant over reaching design. He’s an imbecile who pulls things out of his ass that has absolutely no credibility. Occam’s razor for Christ’s sake.