
My wife is working as a teaching assistant at my kid’s elementary school working with third graders when they’re not with their teacher. They ALL had better mask discipline than the fucking White House. This is unnerving, but not surprising in the least.

From the other side of the desk....the biggest problem is the internet sites that consolidate exam questions and answers, like Chegg. You can make your exam open book, but as soon as your exam questions go live, students save the questions (control C, or screen shot, or taking a cell phone pic, whatever works), upload

Does this fallacy have a name?

I work for a large bank and I know for a fact that our CEO has been advising Congress for more stimulus in the form of direct cash payments to individuals. I understand others are as well. I expect Republicans to ignore Democrats but I’m pretty surprised they are ignoring bank CEO’s as well....

uh, god, don’t even joke about that.

Yeah, most of the fucking twatwaffle journo’s I’ve been seeing spill ink tonight are trying to pitch the debate like Trump and Biden had comparable performances.

If two undecided voters make up an unusually large fraction of your social circle, you seriously need to meet some new people.

The Green Party in Wisconsin fucked up their paperwork to get on the ballot and then tried to sue to get added later. Did they do this right away? No. They did it a week before mail-in ballots were set to be mailed out. Hundreds of thousands already printed. If they’d won, it could have completely destroyed the

I mean, I understand your frustration. But at the same time, what would a “proper responce” be from a person standing in Biden’s shoes?
The entire time, Trump has been over talking and yelling over Biden like he did during the Clinton debate. The moderator CANNOT shut off the president to let Biden talk freely.

Grandpa Joe, while not my first choice, is totes getting my vote.

So, my takeaway is that Trump is doing absolutely everything he is not supposed to be doing to try and win over more voters, huh? I’m glad I didn’t watch this. We knew how this was going to go down.

“It’s hard to get a word in with this clown.”

Thank you for being the first G/O property to post on this.
I’m a Brooklyn absentee voter who received my ballot yesterday. I immediately checked the inner envelope when I heard the first reports about discrepancies—and was thankfully in the clear.
NYC voters: if your inner envelope does not bear your correct name and

I was going to make a “he bought her fair and square” joke but given his history of, ahem, stiffing contractors I’m pretty sure the checks never clearing are why she’s perpetually angry.

You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.”

Meghan McCain had a baby, a girl. Her name is Liberty. [Page Six]

The problem is - there’s no odds to play. We know it’s not going to be better this winter. It’s been stated, outright, that vaccines currently being tested won’t be available before (mid-) 2021. If anything, things will be substantially worse, what with it being winter. Anyone paying attention knows it’s not even in

If I may gently push back at this notion?

Those are the same people who put two actors into the white house.