
On the one hand, I can feel for Coulson’s perspective, on the other hand, I think someone should slap him upside the head and tell him that being put into an existential crisis about whether or not you have a soul probably means you have one, or at least as much of one as any organic human does.

I’d definitely recommend one of the Weber Q models. You get the solid quality of a Weber, and it’s nice and compact. If you’ve got a table out there it will sit nicely on that, or if not, you can get a stand to put it at regular grill height (I picked up the collapsible stand, which makes for easy transport) It naively

I’d definitely recommend one of the Weber Q models. You get the solid quality of a Weber, and it’s nice and compact.

Yes, thinking about politics as a “separate thing” is a luxury for societies with healthy middle classes.

No more clicks from me, not even accidental ones.  I mean, I was just starting to go over there (entirely for the intersection of sports with other things take, as I’m not a sports person at all, that’s most of the reason I read stuff of Jalopnik, that and the general Torchinsky crazyness...) But after the butchering

Oh and and Sweden’s economy is doing no better than their neighbors who did lock down.

Being dismissive of the hard turn directly into fascism that the republican party has taken, and the fact that either donald trump or Joe Biden will be the next president is outright destructive.

I’d be all for calling the parentage of his kids into question, just to gnaw at him, but I think not questioning that he’s don and eric’s father is likely more hurtful...

Or, hear me out here, why not the Senate? Why shuffle her into a job with a limited lifespan when she can continue to build influence and make a difference in the Senate?

Man, someone will have really necroed that thread...

They can be both...

I think they’ve gone past amoral, and are firmly on the anti-moral side of the moral event horizon at the moment...

There’s no reason that those stickers can’t be made of compostable material though.  They absolutely should be.

Just like the arguments made against “political correctness” fall apart when you describe it for what it really is “showing respect for other people”, the arguments against “cancel culture” evaporate when you describe it for what it really is: “being done with your bullshit

Is there a difference?

and if that is a bit pricey, you’ve got the thermopop, almost as good at 1/3 the price (or less if you snag them on sale)

and if that is a bit pricey, you’ve got the thermopop, almost as good at 1/3 the price (or less if you snag them on

I keep seeing that Covid-19 is an intelligence test, but that’s not quite right. It’s a Voight-Kampff empathy test, and there are a lot of people out there that are failing it.

No, he’s just like that.

The only, only, benefit I see to him dropping out/not making it to the election via whatever means, is that it seems the most asinine of the reactions to the pandemic are coming straight out of his syphilis addled excuse for a brain. With literally anyone else in charge, we would undoubtedly taking at least a

Was there a single non white person there?