Just another example of the burdensome EU regulations that they’re trying to escape. First they’re regulating where you should and shouldn’t put commas, next thing they’ll be telling greengrocers where to put apostrophes...
Just another example of the burdensome EU regulations that they’re trying to escape. First they’re regulating where you should and shouldn’t put commas, next thing they’ll be telling greengrocers where to put apostrophes...
They’re this close, Lattethunder.
Probably not going to fit into a charging port, or a headphone jack, certainly not going to be able to pull anything out.
On the other hand, Jeremy Bearimy. Who can say how much time everyone in the good place has experianced...
I like to say that immortality would be a lot of fun, for a while...
‘Boneless’ “Wyngz”*
I think we’ve got to refer to the two Barry Allens (Barrys Allen?) as Barry and Other Barry...
U-Rah Rah Wisconsin
U-Rah Rah Wisconsin
Well, you know what they say, Pizza is like sex, when it’s good it’s great, and when you force it on someone who doesn’t want it, it’s assault.
For sure. I agree. Most of the time I see backwards parking, it’s on streets exactly as you’ve described. They’re two way, but there’s only one lane, so the argument about having to drive the wrong way is really moot.
It’s something in the chemical condition of their water.
Hail Hydrox
From the makers of Juicero, now comes Cookiero:
I have to disagree. I refuse to believe that we have truly reached ‘The Most Stuf’ until the the tray of oreos in the package contains just 3 oreos, one per slot, a cookie on each end with nothing but stuf between them.
Yeah, that happens a lot in Seattle. I guess it is technically illegal, but officers generally don’t ticket for it on those smaller residential streets.
Heard him refer to Hanks as “The star of Mazes and Monsters”
Also loved Louise running across the street - stopping to look both ways - and then continuing to run.
“I’m not going to be part of your system, MAN!”
It’s evidence of a guilty mind. They know they’re wrong. (I’d say deep down, but there’s nothing deep about them...)