The proper way is to forget the milk, use ice cream instead.
The proper way is to forget the milk, use ice cream instead.
Long pig, in blind taste tests, people couldn’t taste the difference.
*not a guarantee
IMO that’s just surrendering 100% to the cancer, body and soul.
I believe the only proper way to eat this is with a napkin covering one’s head, like the ortolan, so that you can shield your shame from god’s eyes.
Hey, at least it’s better than Bronson Missouri...
I am such a productivity guru, I bet I spend 90% of each day thinking of ways to improve my productivity!
Wow. I’d like to say that I’m shocked, but I’m not. I’m really not.
Agreed. And while I hope one day that we can be forgiven for this, after we do the work to earn said forgiveness, no one should ever forget, lest it happen again.
Scorpions gonna scorp.
Fox ‘News’ isn’t going to be for sale for any price, because it’s far more valuable as a propaganda channel than is is as a profit making business. IMO, that’s why they spun off the FOX entertainment side and sold it separately.
Perhaps not surprisingly, still a traitors flag however.
Now knowing that this is a thing, I think there are a few jokes in the Thursday Next series of books that will land a bit more effectively.
Nobody should be half-assing their puns... That’s right everyone, you need to get all-bum-in!
The timeline is a bit wonky, best not to think about it too much.
I think it (The Diamond Age)would work really well with some high quality animation, but yeah, get someone, possibly Stephenson, to fill out the ending a bit. They should really do this with any adaptation of NS properties. I mean at this stage when you start a NS book, you know what you’re getting into, but that…
I mean that’s a very diverse group of republican women up there. Nancy Mace is a brunette, what more do you want?
And is also calling him out on it right now.
Power attracts the corruptible.
And for teachers/other folks that get coffee cards that don’t make regular trips to get their coffee fix, remember that you can get beans for brewing your own coffee at your local coffee shop as well, not just already brewed coffee...
And for teachers/other folks that get coffee cards that don’t make regular trips to get their coffee fix, remember…