
In really rural areas (like, "There's a burglar in the house? I'll be there in half an hour" rural) it's not open 24/7. If you only have three cops, only one of 'em is there at night, and they get called out to deal with the aforementioned burglar, it'd be a good idea to lock the station up while they're out on the

Because I know how narratives work.

It's an awkward bit of description that I'd have suggested rewording, but it is certainly vivid.

It absolutely is not. I edit books for a living, and there are exactly two paragraphs that need to be cut from AFFC (the Myrish Swamp, if you're curious.) At most, you could cut one chapter each from Dany and Jon in ADWD, two from Tyrion.

Actually, four of Sansa's siblings are alive, although one of them is a tree.