
Hey old-man, if you thought Y2K was bad...wait until 2038 happens.

Let’s flip the conversation around. What’s your argument for having the systems updated (aside from lack of replaceable parts) ? They work just as they did years ago... exactly as intended. They’re perfectly set up to interface with the physical systems they're fine-tuned to control. Just because something is old

And, I bet they worked well right up to that day...

In 1997 we retired paper punch data backup system on a Navy system. 


I once worked on a PDP-11 system with dual 8" floppies...

I would do trains if they weren’t so expensive to begin with.  Then I have to figure out local transportation ala a rental car. 

I heard they are upgrading to this:

And Rollo assumes deficits are caused by a lack of revenue.  So explain Illinois, which keeps hiking taxes and yet still digs itself further and further into debt.

Not to mention, if the market won’t bear an increase in whatever your business is charging, that extra tax is going to come out of your paycheck.

We do NOT have a revenue problem. We have a mother fucking spending problem. Do you have any idea how much of our taxes is misspent or wasted? I would estimate greater than 50% is wasted through inefficiency, misappropriated through pet projects, and just spent needlessly. NYS has recently shown billions of taxpayer

Let me get this straight: the people who are all in on global mobility want take the side of a nation going through an isolationist rebellion and levy a tax on people who are globally mobile?

Business class != frequent flier.

Boobaru should also pipe the exhaust of his car back into the cabin so the rest of us shouldn’t have to deal with it. 

How about get off the roads and pay back the full economic cost of every government service, you freeloader.

Or the employer will only pay for cattle class and if the employee would like to upgrade, if it is possible, it is on their own dime. That pay for your own flight wouldn’t go in my office. Asking someone just out of college and you tell them they have to pay a $1000+ one way for a flight? Yeah right.

It’s gotta be nice being able to solve all the real world’s problems without ever getting up from your Brooklyn laptop.

As usual, the progressive answer to any challenge is class warfare. 

And the response to your idea is....

Isn’t it worse to drive an ICE car from, say, Chicago to Detroit than it is to take a 45 minute flight? I remember reading about cases where air travel was more efficient than driving because of economies of scale.