
Happiest car in the world award goes to📯📯📯📯miataaaa

Reied to wrong person... I was just talking about wheels. 240sx ftw.

I have no idea why I put mmmmmmmmm. I think I was hungry. But he'll yes. Nsfw.

Wow that wheel combo looks frekin amazing.

Are you trolling? You have to be....

Omg. Omgomgomgomgomg. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. And I'm done.

I completely agree with that. These few don’t make up as Muslims and their way of thought. It is actually a very peaceful religion, that’s why so many people convert to it after researching it for these purposes. Same as Christians. The Middle Ages where filled with them killing anything they opposed.

I am a Christian by definition, meaning I belief in the teachings, yet I don't label myself as one. I am just a beleiver in Christ and his teachings. I am not a religion. Christians in my experience made up of a lot of hypocrites, hate filled, self righteous people. A real Christian is accepting of others. Of all…

Women wear makeup.... Well this day and age men do too. Nothing wrong with that I guess. And this isn’t about your tastes, it’s what makes said woman feel less insecure about themselves. Their blemishes, or smaller eyes compared to others.

Sometimes the woman is wearing the clothes to feel more confident. The same as a woman wearing makeup. A lot of women wear makeup because if they didn’t, people start asking if they are feeling ill, or are tired. Same reason a man wears a suit. It projects professionalism, and simply looks good.

That’s a hell of an analogy. You could argue that the bear attacking only helps fuel people’s hatred towards all bears, and instead the bear should attempt to handle said rock throwing situation differently. But it is a bear so it is in its nature.

Agree with everything but the downforce. That is the reason people can not pass anymore. You can't outbreak people, and you can't follow too closely or you get into dirty air. It makes it very stale. The lack of downforce these past years has allowed for a bit more excitement. An example is last race when Kimi finally…

74 or older are exempt on California. That's why it's so hard to find 74 c10s here since everyone takes the cab off one and puts in on their 76+ to avoid smog

😂 holy shit wow.

😆 nice sarcasm. I actually bought it

Look at you using reason. I honestly was expecting a lot worse of a response. I live in LA. People don't do that here because they find their cars in bad shape when they do. And no I don't set them on fire or key them or break all their windows. I'm a bit more mature than that. I can't say the same for everyone else…

Just set the car on fire people.

It’s on theiw website and evewything. You're adorable. (Jk haha.) my wife says that line in babytalk. It's irritating, yet pretty cute. Take that as a compliment if you wish I guess?...anyways I'm gonna go back to my life

Smart ass.

I love manuals. It really does connect you to a car. A truck though. Either you hauling a lot of stuff, where the last thing you wanna be doing is searching for a gear on a steep uphill with no guardrail to your right, or you are just cruising down to Malibu with boards and you don’t want to have to search for gears…