
I frekin cheered when he passed him. My wife almost killed me for that loud cheer since I woke her up.


That was insane

Wouldn't an external memory card do this perfectly fine? Like a 32gig one?

Oh what type of personal file? And mix-flash drive...??

We have a place called Frida here. Their street taco platter comes with 4 awful tacos for 15 bucks. Yup. LA for you. They do have great entertainment though. the best ever was a place called taco rana (frog) 1 tacos. 30 minute wait on the street. Eat on the trunk/ hatch of my car, even if it was raining. How I don't

you get tacos for a dollar still?!! I wanna life where you live. Here in LA, they're at least $1.50. $2 for the good ones. Meaning 5 bucks more then you pay for a filling meal. We do have 24hr taco access though so that's a plus.

Here we were having a nice adult conversation and you go and insult tacos. Hell no. But I admit Taco Bell kinda sucks. It's only good when you're just desperate for food. But real tacos are a different story. To each their own.

on this episode of cilantro wars: we have papaya topped with cilantro. Is this blasphemy. Find out after the break.

the thing is Taco Bell is really good when you just want a really crappy thing to eat. Just want to make yourself feel like you got punched in the stomach by artery clogging deliciousness. Mmmm. Jack in the box at 4am. 😬

Those are called fake Mexicans. Cilantro is love, cilantro is life. Actually I am indifferent about cilantro. I don't need grass on my tacos. I need hot sauce, meat, corn tortilla dipped in a bit of oil before heating, some of that red onion stuff. Lemon. Hell yes.

but steak or chicken breath is perfectly fine here? Mm gotcha. 😒

fact: I don't think it means what you think it means. ☺️

tomatoes are delicious with a little bit of lemon and pepper and half an avocado slices all into well little slices. Mmmmmmm.

this girl is on fiiiiiiire. 🎶

It will always be Miata in our hearts.

Holy shit I just released that. Mind is blown. 💥

Nissan 240sx. 90 80k miles. Recent maintenance from top to bottom. Had to replace started recently. Brake pads. Uhm windshield wipers...... Oh replaced the headlights. God this car is reliable. Not as comfortable as my wife's car but it's so fun to drive down pch.

That is so evil. Think of the children! Man, I miss my galaxy so bad. I got the 6 a few weeks ago when my galaxy just decided to die. Middle of a text just died. Lost everything. But I miss the widgets and the customization. And. Physical back button. But the iPhone keyboard is the best thing besides the original

Probably the biggest reason I haven’t left LA. Having pch right there makes everything here worth it. And mulholland drive is right there too. It is a religious experience. If you ever get a chance to do it in any manual rear wheel drive car, do that drive.