
you know the ctv is bad when nissan extends the warranty to 120k miles on the tranny. But I got a 2012 for 4 grand so ehhh il sell it for a win after the miata comes out

the police handled themselves very well if you disregard the door slams. you can argue that the cop saw reson to detain him when he refused to cooperate. Should he have opened the door like that? Hell no. But besides that I applaude them.

just laughed for a minute. Best delivery of joke ever

my fiancee does this annoying thing called spilling her fucken drinks every goddamn time. the floor has more soda to drink than she does. You think this works for her? she is 22... wtf

that was a beautiful little comment. star for you

oh btw the set was from costco for 85 on sale.

You wont find an all in one set for a comfortable price, but I would suggest getting a 145 and up craftsman mechanics tool set. There are better brands out there, but for the price you are still getting great quality, and you just can not beat the lifetime warranty on them. if it breaks take it back and walk out

great article idea. Wow. Such as the drawings in random parts of the car done very old cars. Id love to read something like that.

shooting someone would of course be the extreme choice. Idk how many other comments you saw on this article, but it seems that most people feel that if someone drinks and drives they deserve to be tossed in jail, regardless of an accident or not. I am honestly suprised I was not attacked here by everyone, but instead

my condolences. As long as she is remembered by the ones that love her, her life still matters. I remember that laugh, and omg he was such an asshole. Worst thing is he was amazingly intelligent, so arguments would go on and on...but we all would love to have another argument with him, or punch each other because a

oh, I apologise for the misunderstanding. Im surprised at how many people actually feel the same way as us. In this pc county we live in now, it's refreshing to see someone stand by what they beleive in, and not be scared to point out the trash in the room. thank you for standing up

the gun analogy is perfect. I dont think PSAs will even make a dent in the problem. Convicted offenders should be dragged to the morgue and see victims of dui accidents, and if they killed someone themselves, Throw the book at them.

thank you for being a sane person. There has to come a time when people accept that they screwed up. Sadly that may never happen.

I believe you misunderstood me. I was not the driver, nor was I with him. He was t-boned when a drunk driver ran a Red . He was killed while the sack of shit lives today . But you seem to share the same view as I. One thing I never understood is we as a society victimize the criminal. Be it drunk driver, or school

I should have specified the victim's family. I am horribly biased so take this with a grain of salt: on this matter they deserve the worst we can throw at them. Now if a citizen takes the drivers life, the citizen should still be held accountable. We arent barbarians either.

it is a completely avoidable crime. I wish more help was avalable for alcoholism, because we as a society push them aside. It always stems from something. Anything from just being a wild kid to depression. But in the end it is 100% the drunk drivers fault.

what you put forth in vehicular manslaughter. Accident happen all the time. we lie on a very busy intersection and see at least 3 per month. This hypothetical person does not decerve that punishment, for it was an accident. but the drunk, irresponsible, waste of oxygen does. Good point on the fact that it was

I am 22 so I am still young and dumb. But always designate a dd. and if one isnt avalable we call someone up for ride home. Ive been woken up at 3 am many times, and although I have to work in 3 hours, I get my ass out of bed to take my friend home safely. if you have money for a beer at a bar, you have money for a

I know im going to get ambushed with hate replies; if you are selfish enough to drive drunk, and kill someone, you deserve to be shot on the spot. Scum like those should never be forgiven. Just take a taxi, have a DD, or walk home, but don't be a life destroying, selfish shit, because we will never get our best

Everyone is looking at me after my squak of a laugh made the room go quiet. thanks...