
I trully love your writting style. Even though I manage to get here from a car blog, and want to read about cars, not food , I really love these. The hotsauce is by far my favorite. keep it up.

Your tempurature only varied by a whopping 35 degreess. Idk if youve ever been here in la during june. I wear a sweater in the morning and have to almost go home to shower 4 hours later since the tempurate skyrockets 40+ degrees. And then it frekin rains while its 100f outside.

il seriously go to sleep after this. Bmw e 30 m3. Simily look to the 2002 but not as rare, and a lot newer. After market is extensive, a lot less expensive since it isn't as rare, and the straight six is sublime. If you have ever had the joy of driving one you will understand the hype. I never did before I

thank you for the welcome. yes I do live in the west coast. La to be exact, and god do I hate summers here. I always joke saying I wasnt made for this weather. Too hot. Maybe one day you'll suffer it along with us.

Hi. Let me start of by saying I just made my profile thingy to reply to this post, so better keep me informed on your choices. Oh and its like 9 am and I went to sleep at 4 So yeah.... im sorry if im slightly incoherent.