
They are terrible writers and even worse journalists. The second this site goes down they wont be hired by anyone serious, certainly not for a writing role that pays better than 40k yearly. They are causing their own destruction as talentless hacks.

I often wonder if the writers for Gawker v3.0 ever aspire to you know say be actual writers and work for a real good paying newspaper? Most of these posts sound worse than

You do realize impeachment requires the Senate which is controlled heavily by republicans, to be the final vote before it’s finalized? Sometimes I wonder whether anyone knows how the USA political system works.

Ah when I look for news about whats going on in the UK, a 5th rate writer who lives in NYC for Gawker v3.0 who cant get a big boy writers job with a respectable publisher is about the last place I look.

A Deputy Editor who drops more f bombs that a Deadwood episode in under 100 words, and considers himself a

it is linguistic colonialism. It is americans saying here is how your language should be, forgoing 1000s+ years of history. It like many things in these quasi academic disciplines is a farce.

summary: latinx is a word invented by the queer latino american community bc they cant come to grips with their language having gender embedded in it. However they are also hypocrites because any other gendered noun they do not toss an X on.

you have a very poor understanding of how Spanish grammar works. Yes latino is masculine from a gendered perspective, but all of spanish has gender and the rule is if you have both male and females referred to it resorts to a masculine noun. Is this patriarchical? I dont really care there are so many real issues that

sounds like you live in america and not in a latin american country. All my latino friends despise that word. Colombians, Argentinians, Peruvians, Ecuadorians. The list goes on and on.

I love 2pac...... I loveeeee dat man” GOAT

1st. You dont build hateno village, you build Tarrey Town.

2nd. The Hyrule Compendium can be augmented or bought at from the crazy research lady’s assistant. It is expensive, but I prefer this method rather than whipping out a camera in front of a boss.

fluff article and embarrassing use of journalism. Every president does this including Obama multiple times.

honorable mention to shrouded shrine aka lets make an open world area but turn off the lights and pack it with strong monsters and little guidance......

seems right to me I have the colored joycons and have had no issue. Same with the supposed screen scratches

Kirk, can you confirm or deny whether zelda has an option to run the game on TV at 720p to mitigate framerate issues? If not, do you think this could potentially be resolved in a future update to the game since they seem to be committed to building out the world for at least the end of 2017?

and yet they still employ like .5% black people... Typical tech hypocracy (note I work in tech and it’s way worse than even news outlets advertise)

how the mighty fall

what bugs me is sever space is flexible with AWS, so there should be no excuse for throttle on server space especially with a company that worked with Google heavily previously. Also I’ve had many app crashes on an iphone6 after i caught a pokemon.

The only minor thing that will still bug me when the inevitable fixes