
Not sure if this has been mentioned…along the lines of the colors white vs. black- Ford and robot Bill toast the "lady with white shoes" in the pilot episode. In chestnut We clearly see Williams's orientation robot wearing white high heels, as I imagine all the welcoming robots do.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but it appears strange that during chuck's fetal position under the space blanket, he had a watch on. I thought he was sensitive to all batteries? The camera obviously showed his watch several times.

Ha! Earmuffs.

BLUE!! It is in almost every scene… Featured prominently. The colors are muted overall and then some guy walks by in a blue shirt. Obviously the Conway twitty dream was also blue, but blue diamonds…johnny walker blue… Taking a page from Breaking Bad color wheel? Also butterflies are this season's swirl.
The blue pill

Melisandre deserted Stannis and then boom! Arrived at the Wall. Was she traveling at Lord of Lightspeed?

Melisandre deserted Stannis and then boom! Arrived at the Wall. Was she traveling at Lord of Lightspeed?

Further if R+L=J then does the warg transfer? Because he isn't one of the 5? I'm just spitballing.

I've heard this too. Apparently all of the stark children have warg capabilities. Does anyone remember a dream Jon Snow had from Ghost's POV??

Also, was I the only one screaming at Stannis….."use your own damn blood!" ?? This blood magic makes no sense to me.

I have thought Jon was a Baratheon, too! He just LOOKS like Robert. But if this is true, why did Ned search all over for bastards, when he knew Jon Snow was the heir?