
I know it probably isn't the safest (or stylish) way to keep your keys, but I have a carabiner that I hook on a belt loop and tuck the keys into my back pocket, while keeping my wallet and phone in the front. It works well for me, though I don't wear slacks that often.

The only thing bad about xylitol is that it can really wreak havoc on your bowels if you take to much of it.

1500 calories of fruit would be a whole lot of fruit, though, and my guess is that with all the fiber, you wouldn't be able to finish it in one sitting. I mean, 1500 calories is like eat 15 bananas.

I deleted my facebook because it was causing me to hate my life. I'm a bit sad that I'm not as in touch with friends as before, but I'm definitely happier. Still on Google+, though.

Agreed re: engineering internships. I had mostly engineering friends who would do co-ops for about 8 months during their junior or senior year. Most of them made between 20 to 30k for this work. Meanwhile, my English major self finished up an 8 month unpaid internship and I'm not working at Starbucks to pay the

Though I don't use facebook anymore, I'm still nostalgic for the "wall" that any of your friends could write or erase anything on it.

I hate to break this to you, but arachnids are animals. I'm pretty sure PETA is against honey producers (those poor bees! I can see their compound eyes crying out to me!).

I'm going to chalk it up to being Canadian. To be honest, I assume the Personal Faith is about being a choir boy or church youth group leader.

Don't companies need to prove that there aren't qualified American citizens in order to hire someone for an H1B Visa? I seem to remember hearing about companies using shady tactics to "advertise" jobs that no one who was qualified would see, then using that as evidence to hire a non-citizen worker. Does anyone else

You know what's really depressing? The K-hole that these test subjects are going to end up in when the tests are over.

Apologies for the wall of text.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I reproduce via budding.

Agreed times a thousand. I really enjoyed Born to Die and Video Games, and was quit excited to see her on SNL, despite the already mounting chorus decrying her lack of "authenticity". Plenty of talented musicians have change their image to catch their big break; there's nothing wrong with it. The problem comes in

I think Carrie Fisher should play her, even though she's probably too old for the role. Maybe it's just me, but they seem like they could be sisters.

Man, I've had a thing for Scott Fujita ever since he was at the Saints, and I was sad when he moved out to Cleveland the same year I moved away from it.

Hubba hubba! How much for the guy in the stairwell?

I did 49 in about 3 minutes, then spent 7 minutes trying to come up with Wyoming. I have no idea why I blanked, but I blame being away at 5am. That, and I'm pretty sure there aren't actually people in Wyoming.

Oddly enough, the only manufacturers I could pick out that was missing were HTC and Huawei. I wonder if they were just not included on the wikipedia list or if they don't use Foxconn/Hon Hai.

This is the same way I do it. I'm hoping that someone won't catch on to the system if one of my accounts is compromised.