
I couldn't agree with you more re: Not to mention for a while, it seemed like half of the time I hit "Read more" it would redirect itself to the original shortened story, so I could never read it. they seemed to have fixed that, at least.

I'd much rather be that than my current unpaid internship... Think I could put it on my resume?

Word engineer here.

Well, just make sure you didn't have to take a bus to the terminal, because I actually DID leave my passport on a plane while in Europe and was stranded in Paris for 3 or 4 days without much money left. Let me tell you, it's not much fun.

Well, I've seen it spelled as Gadhafi, Gathafi, Qaddafi, Qadhafi, Khaddafi, Kadafi, and Horsefucker, though I believe that last one is nonstandard.

I went to a nerdy school with a fairly substantial gender imbalance (~60% men) and I didn't see as much of this at first. Dress, especially for class, was casual. Sweatpants (and pajamas!) were not uncommon. Perhaps as I spent more time there, I noticed more, but it definitely appeared that as a higher percentage

I heard it's illegal to watch kitty porn in Canada.

I agree on some level, but look at the last Catwoman... In my opinion, Halle Berry is the epitome of female sexuality and sensuality, but the movie was a total bomb. Perhaps that's why they went to the other end of the spectrum.

My first comment was a mistake. It did work with the remote, but it was much faster to search for youtube content with a keyboard. You didn't need the peripherals for most of the stuff.

Can someone explain to me why people don't just use a media center desktop connected to a TV? I had one for years and it worked perfectly. Sure, the interface wasn't the best as you had to use a mouse and keyboard, but I could go to any website, play any media file and record a large amount of tv.

He died on my birthday :(

That's why I included "must". I was just pointing out that many times someone who doesn't want to have children is viewed as either selfish or immature. He seemed to be arguing against I point I never made. I could make the equally ridiculous argument that if Hitler's parents used birth control, it would be

I'm not sure what your objection is. Do you want all women to have children?

My parents chose to have me.

Modern IUDs are quite safe for the typical woman, but there are contraindications like AIDS, certain cancers and preexisting diseases (e.g. Chlamydia, Gonorrhea). If a woman is healthy, odds are she is a fine candidate for an IUD.

Did any of you see that NZ naked rugby match? They did the Haka before hand, which was quite a sight, as they weren't wearing anything. I wish I could find that link...

From your declaration, I understand you to be a prescriptive grammarian. Do you also rail against the use of "you" as a second-person singular pronoun?

So I can tell people that the reason I'm single is that I want to stay productive?

Congrats on going for your bachelors. My mom has a similar story, but there was only my brother and I. She had come credits in college but was primarily working as a bartender when she had my brother (at 28). She waited til we were in school to go back, and finished her degree when I was 8 or so, all while also