First, you’re missing the point. She’s ranting about a car that is intentionally not the best, fastest or highest torque. Under the principles of her rant Llyod perfectly encapsulates the desired point of the vehicles automotive inadequacy.
First, you’re missing the point. She’s ranting about a car that is intentionally not the best, fastest or highest torque. Under the principles of her rant Llyod perfectly encapsulates the desired point of the vehicles automotive inadequacy.
You forgot about a certain red hat.
As shitty, materialistic and psychotic as many hardcore conservatives can be in their attitudes the petty, progressive whining of the far left can be even more insufferable and their petulant posturing about purity as equally distasteful as a labeling of RiNOs.
The thing about dumb racist white people is they seldom know that they are racist and dumb.
I thought that was yesterday’s code word. Come to think of it wasn’t it last weeks as well?
I think you need to go back through your article and replace every instance of gift with grift.
Glad to know I’m not the only one. Of course I moved from LA to Bucktown in ‘93 and only came out to Naperville after blessing the world with the gift that is my two kids. Elgin, ouch.
That was my first thout as well. Can we be besties now?
I like butterflies, I really do. They are beautiful and ephemeral. That said, I would gladly go down to TX and curb stomp thousands of them right in front of this fucking asshat while screaming “do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?”
Most of his tweets are pure, unintentional schadenfreude and it’s only going to get “worse” as the walls continue to close in around him and he is surrounded with only fourth-rate mediocrities like himself.
Fred didn’t give two shits about his son. It’s partially why we are in this situation to begin with.
I love that program, especial their segment “the two minute chuckle”.
Republicans are every bit as funny, just not on purpose.
He trolls the refs into calling a foul. He is not unique or special in that regard.
I think it may be those people who were treated like shit when they were kids and so, maybe, like to see that same treatment meted out to kids forever more? They say many an abuser was the victim of abuse themselves.
Maybe their unearned sense of entitlement is taught to them by their obviously pretty terrible and generally shitty parents. Kids mostly model their behavior based on those around them and if they overreact to minor inconveniences it is likely due to the fact that that’s how they were taught, by their parents, to deal…
Huh, and here I thought they just went through Limbaugh’s stool and picked out the larvae and put them in Murdoch’s mouth until they reached pupa stage. Learn something every day.
Well, stupid is a family tradition.
I would be happy if the Raiders played next season in...HELL. That way Al Davis can watch on the sidelines and all games will be home games.
I didn’t read the article because I was too busy throwing up in my mouth over the title.