
Nintendo’s biggest property is Mario and it’s related characters. That’s no big surprise.

The last metroid game I bought was zero mission. Since then we’ve not gotten any of what I love about metroid. I didn’t like prime or other m. Fusion was fkn amazing. Nintendo in their infinite wisdom did not give us any old school metroid love on the DS, then again on the 3DS. So wtf? If they released a 3ds metroid

THQ was contractually obligated to make X licensed games when they formed licensing contracts with a lot of companies. For awhile that worked really well, but then the market fell out for those games, and they were contractually required to keep making those games even though they knew they were going to take a loss.

I’ve been following Nordic’s progress with Darksiders and have been cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a third game. I love the first 2. The soundtracks and art styles especially. If it does happen I’ll be a very happy gamer!

Chances are very high that this is gonna happen.

Darksiders 3 Darksiders 3. Must have Darksiders 3...