I know that I'm really friends with someone if I see their engagement/baby announcement photo and don't hide it.
I know that I'm really friends with someone if I see their engagement/baby announcement photo and don't hide it.
I want to shake your 10 year old by the hand. Top notch kid you've raised.
Holy Lord some of you are soooooooo overthinking this.
Dude, props to you for NOT getting a puppy. I always feel a little guilty for having done it, since they're so easy to adopt, and so many wonderful older dogs get passed over. I like to think that when my dog gets to be an elderly gent (and I can afford twice as much dog food and twice as many vet bills…) I'll adopt a…
Haha, engineers are my favorite. My dad's an engineer. My boyfriend is in the same engineering field as my dad (although they do wildly different things—he's in industry and my dad's in academia). Most of my friends at university were either on their way to becoming doctors (like me) or were studying engineering.
Obviously it's only your decision if you want to take in your husband's little sister but it seems like the absolutely right thing to do and if you decide to do it, I commend you for it. You are saving this girl from who knows what.
This was not a Leucke day for his students.
Just try to remember that a good number of those women could never do what you do, which is take care of yourself. If you do it well, you will be successful no matter how fancy your handbag is.
I don't personally know people like that (out of my actual friends I am the first to have a kid or even get married, I'm 28) but I do also see people like that when I am out running errands, and I agree at least those women were watching their children, it's just that they were who I focused my jealousy on most when I…
Yeah. Downplay the significance of obesity. It's merely a 'scare' topic, hardly a legitimate crisis that costs the US $300 billion a year in healthcare costs. Children need to be told it's totally normal to be ten, twenty, thirty pounds overweight. Early death, diabetes, depression—who cares? Love your body! Remember,…
Ugh I can't stand that smell. I agree that their sandwiches are beyond bland - I have only ever eaten them out of necessity which thankfully, is not often.
I think Pitch Perfect is only good if you had no expectations. I thought it was going to be some High School Musical/Glee/Campy ass singing movie, but I was pleasantly surprised that it was not those things.
I wasn't glowing or radiant. I had pregnancy acne, peed my pants a lot, and was scared shitless.
Also, I did not fall in love with my daughter the first time she was in my arms. I felt scared. But, over time, the transcendent, deep, overwhelming love came.
Our daughter was a total surprise. We were utterly unready. She was, unequivocally, the greatest thing that ever happened to both me and my husband.
Ya, I've been making the argument that we shouldn't be waiting for the back problems before we give people optimal work environments, buuuuut no one listens to me. Oh well. It was hard enough to rehab as a very active in good shape 30 year old, I imagine someone who was sedentary and in their 50s would probably have…
You can 'become someone new' and experiment with alcohol and boys and girls without failing classes. Hermione is too responsible to fuck up her grades.
I'm 5'3" and weigh 105 lbs. Not too different from her. Yet apparently that's unhealthy? Skeletal? Excuse me? Give me a fucking break. How much would all of you like her to weigh to suit your satisfaction then, because first she was too fat, and now she's too skinny. And please, go around insulting people and tell…
All I can say is don't give a shit or maybe put them on your limited profile? One of these women is 'Ottawa famous' (my hometown) for being a professional juicer... I laugh at them and they probably laugh at me. And like I'm never going to have meaningful relationships with these people, it is very very unlikely I…
Bitches pleeze. Put a strategically-placed webcam in any pro-lifer's kitchen during Cookie Month. It WILL reveal all of their secret binges on Samoas and Thin Mints and Tagalongs, hastily shoveled in by the light of the stove-clock before the kids get home. The boxes get shoved into the back of the SUV along with the…
Aw, please don't put yourself down.. I'm sure you're a great mom and I'm sure your kid(s) will be proud to have you as a parent just as much as Wendy's daughters are of her. Even without kids, half the time I come home and can't even muster up doing anything else productive.