Maybe. But why were you expecting a compliment? You have a ton of compliments for your exes?
Maybe. But why were you expecting a compliment? You have a ton of compliments for your exes?
Well then, you’re exactly right. FOR YOU. For everyone else, you’re wrong. Live that way and you’ll be happier.
But... but... Google....
Right. Man displays bizarre beliefs, a little less bizarre in his own time, and you jump to “he was a serial rapist.”
You find that apology defensive? Get. Out.
If it does, it’s up to then. You play the way you like, and shut up about it.
Then you should literally only care about what YOU play with, not police everyone else’s fun.
Yup. See the whole “I meant to do that” bullshit above.
HOLY FUCK GIVE IT UP. It’s clear you fucking LOVE Perry Bible Fellowship, but you DON’T KNOW THE REASONS BEHIND THIS BULLSHIT. You can’t spell it out more clearly. You can just fucking shut up.
No, it wasn’t. Just fucking stop.
Don’t even fucking bother trying to push that.
Okay, I’ll use “phyuskapsi eats ass muffins” from now on when the word needs to be spelled out. Acceptable to you?
Just shut up.
Oh was it now?
No. It wasn’t. Don’t be a fucking apologist. Just because you remember a misspelling in a minor online comic strip doesn’t mean the “author” was making an “intentional choice.”
Just because you misspell the word doesn’t mean you should lead anyone else along on your stupid ass path.
Just secede already.
And the award for the easiest fucking joke that a thousand people wrote before they even read your comment, sighed, and inexplicably clicked star goes to... you.
Humor just has to be funny to SOMEONE. No, this wasn’t funny. But to pretend they weren’t trying to be funny is kind of stupid.