Suck it, Pinkham

fuck you for giving him a voice. for posting his stats and his bullshit so that the next person knows they too will receive publicity for their sick delusions.

I have spent $23k. Brand new pickup truck. Sold it after realizing it was joy less.

really awesome toyota camry hubcaps on that.

Zero. It just so happens that when I’m looking for a used luxury sedan with a really good interior, manual transmission and AWD, I usually wind up with a 5-10 yr old Audi.

perhaps that’s what the study is missing.

Dude wanted to buy my motorcycle. He was a customer at the bar I worked at and spent a lot there; but whatever, I’m not his mom.

you could do the new owner a solid by requesting a duplicate title from the DMV, sign it over to the new guy for $300 + title fee.

I’m on board with that.

so uh, you wrote a grand total of less than 100 words, forgot the link,

That’s what the frunk is for (Thanks, Cayman S!)

Stupid justification for being out of shape.

sedan has rear facing 3rd row.

Have you read the previous reply? It basically says that there as an array of sensors in the gull wings that keep them from touching anything when moving and they even have different folding spots that let them move enough for babies to be thrown thru the gap when the universe is 2 dimensional.

Can’t fathom the reason for buying this over the sedan.

the only thing unique about this video is that they are using HD’s.

I want baseball glove or quilted leather.

It’s hollywood. Nobody there is ever at fault. Rodas was a superstar driver. The tires were in good condition. They were under control. Paul Walker never nailed his GF while she was 16 and he was 32.

If they were so elite, why did they close down so much of philly?

nationwide lanesplitting

If your date cares what car you drive, you should run.