Suck it, Pinkham

The spelling mistakes are embarrassing.

I understand some of the fees. I don’t like them; but I understand.

my god. please spend more than 30 seconds proofreading.

maybe we should just downsize the gov’t so that we don’t have to shut it down wholesale when it runs out of money despite taking 30% of my income.

because the bar owner totally held her down and made her drink that much.

fuck the bucks. fuck the brewers. fuck all taxes and public money for sports teams.

Why does everyone with a car facing 5 digit repair bills say “don’t worry about the miles, these cars are bulletproof!”

Came here for new content. Received recycled links to old content.

Did you always have a fire extinguisher on hand?

Having owned a Volvo (xc70), thinking it was awesome for the first 2 years until stupid problems and rattles showed up, and a 165k mile BMW 540, and several Audis over 100k, I won’t go near a Volvo. Years down the line, the BMW will be timelessly good, while the Volvo is a lease and return car.

wellll I hate the DPF and urea injection, so good for VW.

Agreed. Burn it all down.

I read all the comments and all I have to add is that it doesn’t matter much if it increases in value, it’s still unattractive and doesn’t drive as well as some other sub 100k ferrari’s.

Prius will never look cool, because prius.

as a Golf GTI

Crack Pipe all the way. Could call up a fab shop and have non-salvage with a motor swap built for less.

Shit, I’m glad i read that headline. I was just about to evacuate the building after taking a peek in the server room. So many flashing lights, LCD displays and wires. WIRES! WIRES EVERYWHERE!

Sounds too expensive to become popular.

I would start by not having the pointy end of my hiking staff anywhere near my head.

Less than 2x per month?